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RE: Helping Social Media Refugees Settle Into Steemit

in #social-media8 years ago

Tough questions to answer... and so many different angles that could be taken, disproving other answers given...

The questions like, "what should we do to..." might be inherently flawed, in that "we" think we have some real control or say in the matter - when it might be that this is designed as a self-organizing system that is bigger than us and beyond our capacity to accurately assess and direct it...

This could also be a potential downside of the decentralized model: who calls the shots?

The concept of democratic guidance may be great in theory, but what's the practicality of any of us being SO deeply immersed in every aspect of the ecosystem to confidently state what is best - and who'd actually be in a position to make wise decisions for the whole...?

As referenced to in my last post - part of the conflict I faced here is the illusion of rising to some sort of position of authority based on the success I did have here - which followed with a sense of wanting to teach or guide others; which may have been valuable to some at a certain point... though as time went on, its sorta like reality checked in and knocked down my ego to realize I dont know shit about what it'll take for this experiment to succeed - as there's tens of thousands of different experiences being had, not all of which can ever conform to any single agreement of what this is or "should" become...

There are no clear answers to the questions posed. Rather, perhaps the open-source aspect of this is the creation of a space where anyone is free to declare their own fragmented-yet-integrated fork, building their own unique tribes, apps, offshoot sites, etc - free to experiment with testing the validity of different theories and answers...

'Tis all an exploration and experimentation...


Yeah, I think tribal fracturing and organization is inevitable here on Steemit just as it is out in the world :)