A dancer's guide to making the most of a trip to LA

in #socalhive5 years ago (edited)

An experience of a city definitely depends on what you came to the city looking for. The city of angels is home to a lot of things, famously, Hollywood of course. However, other than being the birthplace of several of our beloved movies, the city’s distinctive features we all know of like its palm trees and pretty sights, it is also home to all the dance studios that put out the videos that dancers follow on social media from all over the world. Be it eye catching choreographies or setting numerous dance trends or getting to witness extremely talented dancers, LA is where it all happens. Los Angeles’s dance scene is enormous. Learning dance and getting to experience dance communities here is every dancer’s dream. In this post, I will be taking you through my experience of being a dancer who got to live out her dream for a while in this city of angels.

Generally in all of the dance studios I got to experience, there are different teachers for different dance styles. There are classes for technique and learning, however, most classes involve learning choreography. Dancers who stand out in picking up and performing these choreographies are picked out in groups to be recorded. Later, the videos of them performing are usually shared on social media platforms like Youtube and Instagram. Many of these videos go viral pretty quickly. Some dancers based in LA make entire careers online just by excelling in these classes. Below is a list of the dance studios I got to experience and learn at along with the different instructors whose classes I took and my experience with each class.

Millennium Dance Complex –



*Kana Miyamoto – Ballet and technique ~

Kana’s classes help strengthen you and give you ballet foundations to help with your technique and lines as a dancer. Kana is sweet and charming and her classes are very uplifting!

*Nathan Trasoras – Contemporary ~

Nathan’s choreographies are a treat to learn. His choreographies are beautiful and intricate and his classes are relatively slow paced and relaxing. Good for contemporary dancers looking to improve their skill and technique.

*Dana Alexa – Jazz Funk ~

Dana is a fierce presence. Once you have her as a teacher, however, any intimidation you have vanishes as she is accepting of dancers of all levels. She has a very step by step approach to her teaching and learning her choreographies are a lot of fun. There is usually a high energy requirement to make it through her classes as she teaches a lot of steps in a limited amount of time and is usually fast paced. She takes classes multiple times a week and usually teaches one choreography that is shot on one of the days during the week. This gives dancers a chance to attend her class more than once to perfect her choreography and have a higher chance at being called out to be recorded.

*Hamilton Evans – Jazz funk ~

Hamilton’s classes are similar to Dana’s. However, one definitely can feel more nervous and intimidated in his classes compared to Dana’s as Hamilton does not break choreography down for dancers the way Dana does. You either pick it up, or you lag behind. Dancers are required to be on high alert and focussed in his classes because his teaching pace is extremely fast and the energy of competition in the air is felt much much more than usual. His choreographies, once you pick them up, are extremely fun and exhilarating to perform. Adrenaline runs high in dancers during his classes for sure. Hamilton also teaches one choreography throughout the week and calls groups of people that catch his eye out. This is usually the trend for shooting the professional dance videos we all see online in the classes of most teachers.

*Kenya Clay – Hip hop ~

Kenya is one of the most amazing mentors you’ll have at Millennium. She usually teaches hip hop but she also addresses dancers about life and dance and the connections/lessons between the two. She is spiritual and pays attention to the different people in her class and often makes us feel like she’s watching each and every one of us. Kenya is a very warm, very motivating teacher with bomb choreographies and puts her class at ease with humour and pumps them up with her zeal. Her energy as a teacher is why so many students love her classes.

*Brinn Nicole – Pumpfidence (heels) ~

Brinn is a total diva in heels. It can be hard to keep up with her choreographies if you do not have advanced heels experience. Safe to say it’s not for the faint hearted haha. Brinn makes a heels class feel like the most sexually empowering thing you’ll ever do, no joke. The style often requires dancers to come out of their shells and express their sensuality and femininity unapologetically, so most women find this style to be empowering and I think that’s pretty remarkable. Some other teachers who teach heels that I had the opportunity to learn from are – Calude Racine and Michelle “Jersey” Maniscalo. These instructors substitute for Nicole when she is not available and are also really good heels instructors. Speaking of heels…

*Yanis Marshall – Advanced heels ~

Not. For. The. Faint. Hearted. Sis if you didn’t bring your perfect to a Yanis Marshall class, don’t even bother entering. Yanis, as renowned and talented as he is, is a very VERY strict teacher. He pushes his students and is known for being really mean in class. He will call you out and ask you what you’re even doing in class if you don’t know how to pirouette in heels or dip like you mean it. Basically, for Yanis, you need to have earned the right to call yourself a heels dancer. I took only a couple of his master classes and I wanted to hide my face in both of them. He’s intense. You need to work on advanced heels technique if you aspire to get through his classes in one piece, let alone catch is attention.

*Amy Morgan – Heels ~

Amy usually takes open level heels classes and therefore her heels classes are light hearted and enables dancers to not be on the edge mentally. Her choreographies are unique and exciting.

*David Coleman (Daedae) – Jazz funk ~

Dae dae’s choreographies are funnnn. They are crisp and sensual and bring out the fierce in you.

*Boyboi – Jazz funk ~

Boyboi’s classes are very similar to Dae dae’s in terms of the vibe and style, however, if you take both their classes in one day since they usually teach on a Sunday at millennium, you may find minor differences based on the texture of their choreographies.

*King Mosi (Guttah) – Hip hop ~

King Mosi takes urban and old-school hip hop. His choreographies are great! His style is very masculine and his choreographies are bold and strong. You’d want to wear those dope baggy pants you own and bring your swagger to his classes.

*Lando Coffy – Jazz funk/hip hop ~

Lando is very sweet. You can drop all intimidation in his classes. There is the air of acceptance in his classes so all levels are welcome. Lando usually teaches Jazz Funk and his choreographies are light hearted and usually easy to pick up and even if it isn’t, Lando goes over his choreography again and again for all his students until they all get it.

*J Blaze – Dancehall ~

J Blaze teaches the unique style of dancehall. We get an apt insight into the culture of dancehall and the feel of the style through her classes. Dancehall as a style feels like a celebration, a party.

*JR Taylor – hiphop ~

JR’s classes are a whole vibe. His classes are usually in the evenings and his workouts are kind of in the dark only with a couple lights on for some reason, but that along with his music selection, adds to the vibe. JR’s choreography sometimes has a tinge of a jazz funk element. His choreographies are a treat and the energy in his classes are something else. People show up to a JR Taylor’s class to “PARFOOORM” as he likes to yell as he motivates his students while they, well, perform. I personally loved JR’s classes cause they always made me very happy. He’s very cool.

*Matt Steffanina – Hip hop ~

You will find all ages in a Matt Steffanina class. There are a lot of kids who love taking his classes. Matt can get really creative with his choreographies but makes sure to break it down for his students. He only takes master classes at Millennium. Matt gives off a very cool, very calming and accepting energy and thus, it is no surprise that dancers are not bouncing off the walls with energy in his classes. He is genuinely nice and teaches with great intent. I didn’t feel intimidated at all in his class, especially since there were kids and him being mellow and patient caters well to the little ones and let’s you catch his flow as well.

*Marc Spaulding – Contemporary ~

Marc thinks out of the box when it comes to teaching the art of contemporary dance. He compares steps in his choreography to sounds and visuals. Taking his class was like painting a picture. His choreography is very innovative and allows a dancer to get involved completely. He is a very patient, very strong presence. For someone who has experience dancing contemporary, his classes are delightful to take.

*Rudy Abreau – contemporary ~

Rudy teaches advanced contemporary. His choreography can be tricky to grasp. Taking his class can definitely help improve your contemporary technique and increase your mental capacity as a contemporary dancer. His choreographies are not easy and only advanced contemporary dancers get through his choreography. He is not that strict if you don’t get it though. If you mess up in his classes, it feels okay because you’re usually not the only one struggling to keep up. A lot of people are messing up and a few are nailing it. He is very motivating as a teacher, but he is very quick.

*Phil Wright – Hip hop ~

Man, Phil Wright is a tall ball of energy. He is enthusiastic about teaching and it shows on his face literally throughout class. Every minute, he has you focussed and engaged. Sometimes, Phil doesn’t even speak. He plays the selected song on loop and shows you step after step and makes you repeat it several times until you have the whole combo. During a couple of his classes, he split the whole class into groups for the video at the end of class. 70 of us were recorded, as groups performed one after the other while the song was on loop. It was insane. Something only Phil Wright could think of haha. He also takes classes called “the parent jam” that involves parents learning choreography with their kids of all ages. Some of them even bring their babies and dance with them with their baby carrier on! It’s a celebration and is beautiful to watch. Phil landed a TV show because of these classes.

*Pete Styles – Hip hop ~

Pete’s classes are chill. His choreographies are easy to pick up and he makes you repeat what he teaches again and again till you get it.

*G Madison – Hip hop ~

G Madison’s choreographies are nice. They are chill and usually focus on the beat of a song. As a teacher, he’s extremely motivating. He talks you out of any self-judgement or hesitation you could have and brings dancers out of their shells.

*Ian Eastwood – urban hip hop ~

I took one Ian Eastwood Masterclass. His choreography is very lyrical and his steps are out of the box and intricate.

*Cameron Lee – Hip hop/Jazz funk ~

Cameron’s was the very first class I took when first got to Millennium so my memory of the choreography is a little hazy. I do remember it was kind of jazz funk and not at all pg 13 hahaha, it was fun. Very fast paced.

*Anze Skrube – Hip hop ~

One needs high energy for Anze’s classes, his choreographies are fast and exhilarating.

*Brian Friedman – Jazz funk ~

Do not attend a Brain Friedman class if you haven’t eaten well!! Seriously, you’re going to need all the energy you’ve got. Not because his choreographies are fast or exhausting, but because he spends the first half of his class working you out till you’re tired. It’s all go go go with the crunches and pushups and lunges and everything else. My body was sore the day after his class because his workouts are not just stretching it out before dancing… they are rigorous. Brian’s choreography is beautiful. There is a lot of attention to detail and dancers need to pay constant attention and focus on him if the intend on keeping up till the very end.

*Alexander Chung – Urban dance/hip hop ~

Chung is one of the sweetest teacher’s you’ll meet, but he is a monster on the dance floor. By that I mean, his energy and presence when he dances is seemingly unmatchable. His choreographies are so much fun and you can tell that he puts a lot of thought into his moves when he creates a combo. He pays attention to detail and relates very kindly to the dancers in the room. There is an always an energy of enthusiasm in his classes and his choreographies are usually to fast paced. You will always see Chung smiling and being positive. He is a great teacher and his classes are eagerly awaited by dancers as he does not teach every week.

*CJ Salvador – Urban dance/hip hop ~

When CJ walks into a dance studio, girls try really hard to stay cool and collected. The energy this man has and his presence is that of a celebrity. When CJ performs his choreography, he is smoother with it than everyone in the room and makes detailed choreography look so easy and effortless. He is a style icon on the dance floor. The flavour he adds to movement is one of a kind. CJ’s classes are exciting and the vibe is yet another kind of high.

**Playground LA~


Instructors I learned from:

*Marissa Hart – heels ~

Marissa starts off her classes seating all the dancers in the room in a circle and speaking words of kindness and the things to keep in mind as a dancer who’s seeking growth. Her heels choreographies involve straight lines and definitive movement and is crisp. I would definitely recommend taking her classes to gain more control over your body and posture in heels.

*Alexis Beauregard – heels ~

I took a few beginner’s heels classes with Alexis. Her heels classes are fun and easy and if you’ve done advance heels, this class will be a total breeze. Alexis is a very sweet instructor.

The Eleven studio –

instructors I learned from at this studio~

*Aliya Janell – hip hop in heels ~

Out of all the heels classes I’ve taken, Aliya Janell just hits different. Aliya and her crew “Queens N’ Lettos” take classes at The Eleven Studio. Most other heels classes focus on sensuality and grace, while Aliya’s classes basically involve learning hip hop, but in heels. It’s something else. Students in her class bring it, they BRING IT. The energy, enthusiasm is at an all time high and Aliya wouldn’t have it any other way. She encourages her students to be loud, fierce and sassy and to cast all their reservations away and bring out their bests. Aliya engages her students in motivating conversation while she teaches choreography and before or after class. She has a very positive energy to her and can be very funny.

Kreative minds-


instructors I learned from at this studio~

*AY Hollywood – Hip hop

There’s this element of respect that Hollywood brings out in you and it has to do with the way he teaches. He is patient and calm and extremely cool and minimalistic with his words when he’s teaching and yet, every single one of his choreographies are power packed with detailed steps that go really well with any song he picks. I loved his hip hop classes. While teaching, he makes students perform facing all ends of the room, making sure his choreography sinks in to your muscle memory by the end of his class. It’s always a good vibe.

*Kiira Harper – Heels ~

Need to ‘bruk it down’ in heels? Kiira is your gal. She picks music numbers with beats that go with her unique style of choreography. Like Aliya Janell, Kiira’s heels style is also fierce, however, she puts a lot of attention on heels technique while teaching which is great for people who need more experience in the style.

**T Milly tv-


instructor I learned from at this studio~

Natalie Bebko(NatBat) – Urban hip hop~

NatBat as she as fondly known is a very young dance instructor. Her movements are smooth and flow-y and even if her choreography has fixed moves, while dancing, Natalie adds her own flavour and the move looks completely decorated and new when she performs. Most of her students do the same when she teaches, they personalise her choreography in their own styles and she appreciates that as well. She calls out the people who stood out with their individualistic personalisations of her choreography. Fun fact: Natalie uses the word “lit” a lot in her classes haha. She has a unique teaching, choreographing and dancing style.

Imma space –


insructors I’ve learned from at this studio~

I’ve only taken Will and Jannel’s classes at Immaspace a few times. Once, Jade Chywoneth was in their classes the same day I was and I could not stop internally fangirling. She was literally 2 feet away from me!!!! I love her hahaha.

Back to Will and Janell, true to their company’s name, these two are indeed BEASTS.

Their energy is unmatchable and I was so nervous the first time I attended their classes. I had to keep telling myself to focus and buck up.

*Willdabest Adams – hip hop ~

Will has very high energy and is excessively motivated and expects nothing less from his students. He teaches fast and therefore, requires his students to be focussed and keeps emphasising on the same. Will talks about being present and leaving everything else outside the dance studio. He is mildly strict and appreciates students who strive for excellence while they dance. He pushes dancers to give a class their all. His choreographies are detailed and often lyrical.

*Janell Ginestra-Adams – hiphop/Jazz funk ~

For me, Janell’s class was easier because her energy while teaching was slightly calmer than Will’s so it was easier to tune into the frequency of her class. However, she is very is fierce with her movement and choreography. I learned Jazz funk from her. The sensuality in her choreography involves channeling a lot of strength and power. It’s empowering. Janell’s choreographies are one of a kind and very aesthetically pleasing. Both her and Will make sure to talk to their students and motivate them and tell them what’s important to focus on.

So this sums up most of the classes I got to take. I took some more frequently than the others. I hope through this post I will be able to give people curious about these instructors and the dance scene in LA some sort of insight. You can check out these dancers and studios on youtube and Instagram! 🙂

Another really popular dance studio that I didn’t get to take any classes at was-
Movement and Lifestyle-**


I did the certificate program in Millennium and therefore I took a lot of classes there and while I did get to experience the other studios a little bit, before I could properly start branching out into taking more classes at other studios, the Covid lockdown of 2020 happened sigh. So, if I do get to go back to LA and take more classes from teachers I didn’t get to experience, I will add a follow up post for sure.

If you’re not from LA and do not know many people in LA, there are several co-living options for dancers you could pick for your stay. These places allow you to make friends instantly with other dancers and ease into the dance community in the city. Living with other dancers allows you to take classes with the people you’re living with, thus enhancing your learning experience as you can practice with them and discuss what you learned and experienced after class. Not to mention instantly having a nice group of friends to hit the cool spots in Los Angeles after or before a dance class. LA is a huge city with a lot of things you could do and see and many cafe’s/restaurants to eat at. I will be posting another post to cover all the places I got to see in LA under ‘Travel diaries and experiences’

Other than taking classes at these amazing studios, dancers in LA are always on the lookout for auditions to be signed to talent agencies or for booking shows. The two main talent agencies for dancers are- CTG (Clear talent group) and BLOC LA. Dance auditions happen all year round for different events. LA also has an underground street dance scene and frequent dance battles and parties that I got to experience as well. Artists are also always on the look out for dancers for music videos and other media events. It is not uncommon for them to come across dancers in the city on social media and reach out to them.

I will be concluding this post with a little note of positivity to all dancers out there~ The dance industry can be very competitive. Whether you’re in it professionally or in it because dancing makes you happy, you are bound to face some shade or negativity from fellow dancers. The spirit of competition runs high among youth in LA, not just when it comes to the dance industry, but in general, it’s everywhere. Don’t let the negativity get to you. Remind yourself about what you came to the city for. Of your journey and how far you come and remember that the only person you need to compare yourself with is the person you were yesterday. As over-used as that line is, it’s true. I put up with a lot of baseless shade and negativity from fellow dancers for no fault of mine. Know that everyone is struggling to be recognised and/or to be better and everyone is carrying different kinds of baggage so don’t take it personally. Whenever I was faced with any negative energy, I reminded myself that the only opinion of me that should matter is mine. I reminded myself why I love dancing and how alive it makes me feel and how far I’ve come as a dancer and that no matter what, I have me and anything is possible. With that mindset, despite falls and setbacks, anyone can keep getting back up and keep going and growing. 🙂

~love and good energy~


(previously shared on my blog ~ trinketsofexistence2.wordpress.com)


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Very cool spots - sounds like you do make the most of the trips! Thanks for sharing 😎