Serfdom and Sorcery market guide

in #sns10 months ago

Hear ye hear ye. Serfdom and Sorcery has a player to player market.

The market in SnS is your typical limit order market as you would know it for example from a DEX. Each resource has its own market which can be checked using !showmarket . For example !showmarket wood would show you the market for wood.

The market consists of buyorders sorted descending by price and sellorders ascending by price. As I said, your typical DEX market.

Placing orders:

To put something on the market you use:
!listsellorder resource quantity price

Lets say we want to sell 50 bread for 200 DBLN each:
!listsellorder bread 50 200

If you want to list a buyorder you do this with:
!listbuyorder resource quantity price

So lets say we want to buy 300 wood for a boat at 500 DBLN each:
!listbuyorder wood 300 500

Keep in mind that placing an order costs you some DBLN. This resembles you bringing your goods to a market stall and have a merchant sell it for you. Gotta pay the merchant for his trouble

Pick up the sales/purchases:

After an order gets matched your still have to pick up your goods or money at the merchant. The merchant will give you an overview what has been bought or sold. You can get your money for sales with !collectsales and pick up what you bought with !collectpurchases.

Cancelling orders:

If you run the !showmyorders resource command, so for example !showmyorders hay, it will show you all your listed orders and each of them has a marketlisting ID. To cancel any order you just need to type !cancelorder resource marketlistingID, so for example !cancelorder hay 6.

Direct buying and selling:

For those who don't want to list orders all the time you can simply use the !sell resource quantity or !buy resource quantity commands. This will simply sell the resource to the highest bidder or buy from the cheapest seller.

And that is it. The market explained. Note that not all items can be traded currently. At the time of writing those are:

So have fun trading.


A useful info and guide. Thanks for sharing.