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RE: Sndbox Summer Camp – Project Development: TALP (The Alexandria's Library Project) [Philosophy, History, Science and Literature Community]

in #sndboxquest7 years ago

Such a nice project idea!
I am a professional philosopher myself, and you're absolutely right. I have met a few fellow philosophers from around the world here on steem, but only very few, and most of those are quickly done with writing philosophical texts... because they get lost among what other people might label 'philosophy' but are just rants of thoughts mostly.

So I'm very much looking forward to the fruition of this project, and would love to be involved if you need any help.


Hi dear! I'm very compromised in everything about this project, I'd be so grateful if you support me, so I kindly invite you to chat with me in discord jhnmunoz#2372. I have read many posts from you and they all have so much quality. I'm honestly obsessed with everything about philosophy and all its branches, so I would like to make this happen to promote philosophical texts here in Steemit. And as I've said, I won't give up till this project come true!