Lol even as a team it can be so hard to find balance and moderation, I totally get it. You have the advantage that you use your fortes and weaknesses to help each other and that is amazing!
I don´t know why I wasn´t following you but i just fixed that mistake ^^
Thanks fordropping by amigos, I hope everything is going great!
It's takes two to Tango, right? Sam wouldn't do this blog without Becca and she wouldn't do this without him. It's tough work even in two, but like you said we balance each other out ;)
Yet, like anything if you are committed to something you have to overcome some obstacles. The obstacle can be addiction to this platform.
No worries about not following us before, Eric. We're just glad we found you!
All is good, Sam's brother is getting married tomorrow so excitement all around. Thank you hombre for creating such good content and have a great weekend!