I did a quick underlying scan of the #smt whitepaper some weeks ago to get further foresight-insight into how @teardrops will be pulled off on #smt and in my quick-read, there are many more amazing things that are instantly easy to foresee about the steem ecosystem, if the eyes are open.
These already existing beautiful aspects of our already running steem are very obvious, if the eyes are open but can be very hard to see if we are simply just "looking".
"Vision" requires foresight to see!
"A vision within a dream" require foresight-insight to see!
Overall, "a lot of spanlessness and limitlessness" involved!
Speaking of steem/steemit, it is a "vision within a dream" and this is the most obvious thing i see, whenever i take a look at steemit, steem and the world that it hosts.
"A vision within a dream" can be seen as a new breed of "reality"; an ever-ongoing process of "reality"! It's real already but it never really looks real to onlookers because it is ever-ongoing. To foresighters however, it is as real as reality.
The whole steem endeavor has been a curriculum all along and what we do now and here on steemit is a working experiment. The real vision however, is within a dream; "ever spanless; ever limitless"!
The #smt whitepaper gives an overview of what the real vision has been! Basically, create an opensource protocol that is easiest to adopt and integrate, allowing countless gateways to the steem blockchain.
Steem is evidence of a first working Smart Media Token serving steemit and rewarding the attention of steemians. It is a working experiment!
With SMTs, you will be able to have a token/tokens representing your brand or community, integrate steem still (assuming your community of brand is outside steem) and reward your audience for being your audience. Tokens will have different value-parameters either as a currency or even as influence e.g tokens can be created that are pegged to USD, like in the case of SBD or tokens can be created with a reward pool like on steemit, that can have influence when vested or etc
Tokens are likeliest to be exchangeable for steem/SBD. So envision steem as the middle currency for thousands of digital currencies on a decentralized exchange that we already have.
Basically, imagine steem (a fast, secure and zero-fee) holding the place of BTC or ETH as paired against thousands of tokens of real value. Note: that SMTs are very likely to have real-world value as many of these tokens will be modeled after steem and backed by reputable great minds e.g @appics that aims to reward moments!
Now imagine too, multiple Smart Media Tokens modeled to have a peg and imagine how many non-steemians will seek out the Steem Decentralized Exchange to hold their gains or to simply find a token to use as a viable medium of exchange.
There are ton of things to imagine really with the advent of #SMT
One confidence i have in steem is the capability of its blockchain e.g speed and frequency of transactions etc:
The truth is by virtue of this alone, steemit really doesn't have competition, let alone the other awesome features of steem. Every decentralized app for every use-case, in any niche even if already in existence, whether on Ethereum or in the mainstream, can always want to build on steem or integrate steem, for the sake of the exclusive capability features that steem affords
A worry though, may be "scalability" as the numbers grow but in reality, when it comes to steemit/steem, when it comes to these "numbers", we are referring also to the "number of potential reputable great minds", each of whom have a measure of stake in steem, so perhaps, there isn't that much worry there.
Plus, it has been proven many times already over the course of our time here that steem can scale.
It is human to entertain fears about the future of steem but when you look closely; why entertain fears? If you let steemit pass through and you through steemit on this journey, then can't any longer fall permanently even financially because "learning is the ultimate earning".
#smt is where the true vision of the creators of steem/steemit lies according to me. Understanding this vision and its magnitude and you can foresee more fully where we are headed and.......
It is Huge
There Is The Black Dot But There Is Also The Entire Whiteboard
As much as we may entertain fears about the future of steem and its probable flaws, there are many other beautiful things about steem. In a post long ago, i mentioned that we all became bank owners. Yes, while many passionately pursue moolah, we own the banks!
If i had a resume, i am very sure that in it, you will find "bank owner".
To top things, "it is a deCentral bank to each one". You have a say on its printed money plus, you get all the other features that come with banks e.g transfers, loans, remittance, accounting, auditing, treasury, savings etc
And there is more.....
Even as a currency, steem curbs volatility better than most other un-pegged digital currencies by means of its real-timeness.
Drastic fluctuation is less probable with steem, within a transaction e.g during the exchange of steem for goods & services compared to BTC etc because of its instancey (3 seconds)
e.g if you were to pay me 5 steem (at 10 USD per steem), there is a huger likelihood, that i will get 50 USD worth of steem, within the transaction than if you were to pay me in bitcoin as bitcoin can sometimes take hours to arrive and many more things (volatility-wise) can happen in cryptocurrency market-price in hours, even in minutes.
Plus, steem has mechanisms to reduce likelihood for an instantaneous crash. Much of the steem in existence is vested (not in liquid form) and takes weeks to turn into liquid.
Then, here is one under-looked feature......... that is made obviouser on the #smt whitepaper....
"We have an in-built decentralized exchange".
Hahaha, we have always had this one!
The truth is, even the world of cryptocurrency has started to look into decentralized exchanges. There is Bitshares DEX but according to several and even to me, it has a huge learning curve.
Overall, people do want exchanges upon which they can have full ownership or control of their wallets by having possession of their keys. On @bittrex and other centralized exchanges, you do not possess keys and are basically in the mercy and integrity of these exchanges.
On steemit, we already have this feature (a decentralized exchange) and it has been a working experiment.
When i was new and even till now, i hardly go on the exchanges. As minnow, i did all my play trades internally because i did feel safe on there and there wasn't the hassle of moving funds out and moving them back etc
With #smt and thousands of tokens paired against steem on our very own decentralized exchange, will you need to go out of the steem ecosystem almost ever?
Hahaha, maybe not! With some pegged smart media tokens, perhaps, there will be straight-to-FIAT exchange etc Overall, with the masses (reputable great minds) and pegged tokens, there will be peer-to-peer transition into FIAT or no need for FIAT at all.
Plus, when many these tokens likely to be tradeable internally against steem and ICOs possible on steem, why seek out trading and investment opportunities outside steem.
Token creators will be able to set parameters like soft-cap, hard-cap, vesting properties, reward-pool-parameters etc and with token creators likeliest to be "reputable great minds in incessant mind-mining and backed by a real community", the potential for success for these tokens exists.
I wonder what parameters @teardrops will have but i am hopeful, that we will make it work. It is likely to have its own reward pool and perhaps vesting properties as it will be used across three steem-based interfaces. The model is not fully defined; neither do i know fully know all aspects of how #smt will play but one thing i know is:
"developing nations and developed nations etc" as in reality i don't believe that these concepts even exist. Let's see how it plays out....@teardrops will represent an imperfect world, where every and each one is Celebrity. We will also dissolve the concept of
Jehovah's in charge!
Your Boy Terry
Please like @teardrops on Facebook and Twitter:
I do need strength
Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum
If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. I run a full public RPC 256 GB node as well to balance the steem ecosystem on "wss://steemd.steemgigs.org"
To vote my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!
If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.
Let's Go!!!
Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented).
Join the Steemgigs Community on discord: https://discord.gg/CGuPyyT
"Everyone has something to offer!" Why not?
steam has become one of the most interested cryptocurrencies in the world.
I have a foresight that steem will truly dominate the worldwide crypto market ... this will provide new opportunities for the steemians to develop our beloved "Steemit" platform.
I agree with you @surpassinggoogle that someday steem will beat BTC or ETH, the current steem development has made the steemian feel satisfied with the results they get. with the presence of #smt transaction medium provides convenience to the steemian in exchange for other cryptocurrency types. @surpassinggoogle.
Yes, steem is the fastest growing cryptocurrencies Is a reliable digital market , am optimistic it boom more than we think.
No doubt
hi kabayan @surpassinggoogle i just want to thankyou for everything you did like hepling your co-Filipino citizen in upvoting there blogs..it really helps a lot like what youve did to us iknow its not yet let to give thanks to you..well Godbless and thankyou very much again
you are welcome. all glory to Jehovah
I agree with @morbyjohn. I'm also a newbie here in this community and indeed @surpassinggoogle is one of the respected person here. He supported us newbies and it was a great help for us. Thanks a lot @surpassinggoogle.
sorry before because i joined in your comment both of you,
yes. I agree with what was said by @adeboy1about the steemit and the fastest crypto development in the digital market, I see it right in my hometown, but there are doubts in me because many new member complaints like me are closing their accounts due to lack of support from steemitnian in steemit.
patience is key.. the future is quite bright
Thank you for all you do.My second entry for the @teardrops initiative sir. If you would kindly have a look: https://steemit.com/teardrops/@olawalium/tear-drops-part-two
Well, If you have been paying attention to steem/steemit, you will discover that it is metamorphosing and I believe in gradual growth. Every useful entity will become valuable over time, this is truer in case of steemit/steem.
I love your application of foresight
It seems nobody has given Terry some imaginary @teardrops, @surpassinggoogle, take some imaginary @teardrops (SMT) ..hahahaha
real thanks
I strongly agree with you. The beauty of STEEM lies in its blockchain as it is not mine-able but community centered. #smt transaction medium is definitely best medium so far.
go through my blog to see my contribution steemgigs!!!!
I hope the future of #smt is more than just a market convert STEEM to SBD, but it can be a market that is able to convert to all other crypto, but most importantly can be in direct exchange with various world currencies, such as USD, EURO or others. @surpassinggoogle
Yes, i believe that is bound to happen. Numbers first
Smart Media Token can really surpass how the fiat works, since it can be used by any online platform and it can transferred peer to peer all around the world in an instant, without any hassle and without paying any fee. SMT is one of the most greatest innovation in the history of the digital world. Good luck and more power for this SMT!
I think that's one of the main benefits of the Steem blockchain. There are no transfer fees which is great compared to older cryptos like BTC.
Quick transfer and no fees in the transaction is the best thing of SMT, full support to teardrops token
No doubt
SMT has my full support. The prospect is so huge and it's influence would spread like fragrance. This is exciting. Well done sir!
go through my blog to see my contribution steemgigs!!!!
The decentralized exchange is massive...
Smart Media Tokens will propel steem into the stratosphere.
People sometimes forget that steemit is just a part of steem, the big picture is beautiful for us all who keep contributing and grow together.
Smart media tokens will definitely make Steem a better place. I am quite sure that SMTs will just further drive up the demand for Steem in the future.
I see that happening
So exactly
hi boy ,, steemit has become the world's window for the digital currency. You are one of the best developers that is here. will not be achieved a case if not beginning with love and affection that sincere and sincere. and it's just out of your soul. thanks for sharing sir.
It is from his soul. He is one of the best and I call him a 'rare breed'
Thank you Terry for your benevolence
One of the best is an understatement.....i strongly believe he is just d best
Thank you very much handsome
You are welcome. Add me to your prayers. I am so broken. Just pushing.
Please stop! Your tear-drops are enough already. You break hearts whenever you say this, just remember that Jehovah is your help no matter the situation. My prayers will always be with you Terry.
God will trade your weakness for His strength right this moment. David recovered all, so can you. Every brokenness is fixed whatever it is. You are stronger than you think and you have given joy to many. Focus on your strength sir. Do all you can, let God handle all you can't. My prayers are with you.
Thanks for the contribution @bawangmerah230
It is very much true that future belongs to digital currency and steem is going to rock all over
I do agree with the great words of Terry
Thanks a lot @surpassinggoogle for highlighting these points
Stay blessed!
If you really have a resume the bank owner will seat ypu down. @teardrops will be a wonderful success, we will always support it. For the steem blockchain is built with grrat dream and vison. Hence we st #backtolife-project is greatly sure and aware that this Smt will rock and steemit will be here a long time, so we are im talks and desiging all we can around these facts. Withput the tear drops we might be nowhere. Your strenth comes from Jehovah through us, may they abound yet more and more @surpassinggoogle!
Yes steemit is indeed a window to the digital currency, it was through steemit that many of us including myself joined and learnt and crypto.
I agree with you that steemit is the world window, here we need love and caring for each other to bring steemit to the top of the world.
No doubt our edge
I definitely think that Steemit distinguishes itself from a lot of cryptos from it's focus on relationships and communities. We do really need to love and care for each other going forward as this just strengthens Steemit going into the future.
Great Information, it was a Big help to us as steemit users, thanks for sharing this one sir @surpassinggoogle, Godbless you always.
Yes, it definitely was a great boost to our understanding. This post definitely demonstrates the sheer opportunity provided by Steem and SMTs.
Indeed it was...
You are welcome
Exactly. That is where its power lies
Baby Let's Dance
Same here
You are welcome. Thank you very much. Love etc is most essential.
this is interesting. comfort is needed here. I really like the program with very distant thoughts. you are one of the best developers ever. thanks so much sir.
I just have ideas and make use of simplified existing technology. I am by no means close to a coder
Yes sir..of course
This is really eye opening I must say. Obviously, the amazing possibilities of the SMTs are endless and right now one can only imagine.
One sure thing however, is that this is going to play out big for steem and it's blockchain and investors can just position themselves now to take advantage of it.
steem is spreading like anything we all should encourage to come forward and join it.
Yes, lets keep encouraging non steemians to join as steem and steemit is certainly a way forward.
Steem has very impressive scalability compared against many other cryptocurrencies. I can easily envision that Steem with SMT access with become a gateway to growing many communities.
That's really great achievement @surpassinggoogle
Lots of Love for you and Congratulations for introducing SMT (Smart Media Token), Real @teardrops for SMTs.
Tokens are likeliest to be exchangeable for steem/SBD. So envision steem as the middle currency for thousands of digital currencies on a decentralized exchange that we already have.
Lots of Love.
Thank you
The internal market here at Steemit is amazing. I do wholly agree it might be possible to never even leave the Steem ecoystem eventually. I have done some trading before on the external exchanges but they never seemed as safe as the internal market here on Steemit.
Exactly. I feel that comfort in the internal market
Wow! This is awesome and I can't wait for take-off. You are doing great Terry
Haha same here, but what can we do accept waiting !!
@surpassinggoogle is really doing a great job breaking down all this amazing information. I also can't wait for a great take off
your whole life is full of efforts and struggles but you never let down, @surpassinggoogle i salute you for your courage and due to struggles you achieved your mostly goals. SMTs the real @teardrop project soon get a hype successfully. I appreciated your vision and plans. keep it up friend. Take care.
●Steem On.!
We are not sure about what will the future bring with other cryptocurrencies , but in steemit -with steem and SBD, we are more optimistic that they're going to be constantly reliable, because the steemit platform and reputation is beautiful. We steemians will continue to become productive, and we are here to support you #steemgigs @ steemgigs, @teardrops. More Power!
I love the sound of it and knowing you too well, I see this project soaring to ease the pain of many. Kudos @surpassinggoogle.
Thank you. "The vision within a dream" is how Ned puts it
The wonderful thing about you is that you are a man of vision on a definite mission. We await your vision which will emancipate many from the shackles of poverty.
Thank you for the amazing things you have said. Jehovah is in charge of this one.
I guess you are Jehovah witness and you are still witness on Steemit.
The vision is plain and we all can be see and fit into the big solution to the problematic world we live in. The change is here, thanks to people like @surpassinggoogle
This is actually my first joy in steemit. The internal trade is been done with ease and this makes it outstanding.
If there is one thing I know about u, is the touch of excellence that shows in everything you do and I've no doubt in my mind that the teardrop will come out with a touch of excellence.
My testimony is almost a replica of what you just said. Amazingly it keeps getting better and I a joyed that being here has facilitated so many processes for me, including thinking process and life just became easier especially having people like @surpassinggoogle explain things to you explicitly. Baba @surpassinggoogle, thanks for reaching out.
Thank you very much. We will keep praying. Jehovah guides this very path. Jehovah bless us all in Jesus' name amen.
That's awesome introducing post @surpassinggoogle. Definitely I appreciated your effort for do most task improve @teerdrops.Also steemit currently going better movemernt(positive) What's particularly clever about this setup is that, since all users end up with Steem, they automatically become investors with a stake in the growth of the currency. They're allowed to withdraw only half of their earnings immediately; with the rest, users are given interest on what they save, and the monetary power of their upvotes on the site increases. I guess with SMTs steem going better way. Thank you!
Very onpoint
Awesome post.. I tried to explain it in mine but this was definitely better. In the world of social media, it’s rare for any one platform to be completely distinct from other available platforms. Steemit is still in its Beta phase and the STEEM currency fluctuates regularly yourself in the platform at this point. But after introducing SMT steem would be awesome. Currently steem worth again start rise over $6. Steemit can be pretty much that with cryptoLike most money, Steem's value is based on the unspoken agreement among users that it has value. If you create a piece of paper or an Internet token, and enough people start trading it for goods, services, or other commodities, then you have your own currency. Yep...... Steem Blockchain Is "The Vision Within A Dream". Absolutely brilliant blog @surpassinggoogle. Thanks for sharing your experience and can be helpful for beggineers from this.
This is infact very true nothing can stop the storm of SMT now & onward
I do believe credit should be given to @surpassingoogle who worked really hard to promote it all over with his kind vision towards life.
Lets help @surpassinggoogle to fulfill the vision of @ned
Stay blessed :-)
@salmanbukhari54, Yep definitely credit was given to Terry. And need more audience support to him. I'll help him.
Jehovah is in charge of this one
Thank you very much
The flexibility of steemit when it terms to beauty and sensibility is limitless. It allows steemians to become more and more innovative and optimistic with their perspective in life. Looking not only the present , but building progress for the beautiful future...@surpassinggoogle, thanks for keep updating us and motivating us to be more hardworking and to believe ourselves.
@surpassinggoogle, we hope you'll never give up. Continue being supportive to us here in steemit. You have inspired a lot of people even those who are of less self-confidence to become braver and face fear, to believe that everyone has something to offer. People like you are hard to find... Stay humble and loving. Steemit has promising future. Its platform is one of the best.
It's really a brilliant idea and very creative to make the smart media tokens with teardrops..
The way how you put all the aspects here in steemit in the logo is one of a kind.
Very smart brother Terry..
It's really amazing one and I like it. I'm very proud of you to have very wise and excellent ideas..
Keep in touch and thank you so much for always upvoting my posts..
Recieved my warm Christian love..
Just like you @surpassinggoogle I want to dedicate my entire whole kife and my steemit journey to my mom I love her very much. No words can explain how much I love her.
sudah saya follow @teardrops Thank you @surpassinggoogle
Thank you so much @surpassinggoogle & @teardrops... :-)
I would love to see this happen soon... And will try SMT as I am owner of an IT company accepting SBD/Steem as payments for services we provide...
And We strongly agree with you and believe that steem will beat other crypto currencies...
Amazing. What does your IT company handle?
We deal in different desktop/mobile/web applications.. You may find the details on profile...
i think, the best way to resteem is at 1 day old,
I Am even lost of words. this should be a work of an extraordinary man. I know SMT would serve best to all .
@surpassinggoogle. Thank you so much. You are a wonderful. Im always looking forward for your developing ideas with the human heart.
Hi,, your post is so interesting, indirectly you have become a source of motivation for me, my greetings from Indonesia
thank's @surpassinggoogle
Congratulations!! You have been chosen to receive a Steemit Star!! You can download your actual animated award here:
Thank You for all that you do for the Steemit community!! You are a Steemit Star!! https://steemit.com/steemitstar/@japhofin8or/steemit-star-awards-for-1-27-surpassinggoogle-and-sjennon-plus-a-call-out-for-more-nominations
But when that criptomoneda form the backbone of a social network that rewards people by creating content, sometimes with thousands or tens of thousands of dollars for a single post, there is enthusiasm and skepticism at the same time… I just had the opportunity to redeem my first income generated in the network, I did, just to autoconvencerme that all this was real, today Steemit is a new style of life for me.His words @surpassinggoogle do no more than confirm what many of us think, steemit has come to stay… a criptomoneda with a total market capitalization of approximately $14 million to be fired to more than 300 million does not go unnoticed.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, great contribution... from Venezuela a big hug. Here you have a follower more @brianleif
true talk, I see steem hitting 100$ at the end of August. @surpassinggoole steemit are looking for people like you that have something to say about crypto future.. Nice post once again
hi boy ,, steemit has become the world's window for the digital currency. You are one of the best developers that is here. will not be achieved a case if not beginning with love and affection that sincere and sincere. and it's just out of your soul. thanks for sharing sir!
Interesting times ahead for sure
I have not seen you for a long time. maybe also i have passed it. steemit growing, even in the area I have started busy doing it. maybe this post can help many users. you are one of the developers who have thought of the interests of the people. thanks for sharing. always full of love and affection.
We have an ERC-20 token and want to move it to the steam blockchain as quickly as possible. We will create the new SMT on day 1 they are available. This will be a huge thing for the steam blockchain - and we are waiting eagerly for them to come. How long will we have to wait?
the token is called Crypto Mark by the way. http://www.crypto-mark.com
Thank you for your post @surpassinggoogle. steemit has become the world's window for the digital currency.
My believe in the Steem blockchain has never being higher.
The above paragraph caught my attention along with the one below:
This is the dawn of a something big and I feel blessed to be a part of it in my own little way though I would have loved to take more active role in this movement.
Thank you for the inspiration and enlightenment. Stay blessed.
Any whiteboard without dot of any colour, however how tiny the dot might be, is a useless board. No one is expecting perfection from steem, so having problem with scalability is not going to be a big deal, in fact, it is a drop of water in ocean of utility.
Nice coin
Now weiss put steem into to 5 cryptocurrency ,slowly slowly peoples are understanding the value of steem. It is the fastest cryptocurrency without tx fee and you can earn without investment. There is no negative point at all in steem. I will support every coin which will run on steem blockchain. Eagerly waiting for smts.
Hello... Nothing really cleaver to say at the moment, but I do have many expired posts you can View... Thanks For up-voting one of my Followers...

COIN MAN by @pocketechange A Penny may cost a Dollar...
I love your writing this one: Speaking of steem / steemit, this is a "dream in vision" and this is the most obvious thing I see, whenever I see the steemit, steem and host world.
"A vision in dreams" can be seen as a new generation of "reality"; the ongoing "reality" process! It's real, but it never really looks real to the audience as it continues. For thinkers however, it is as real as reality.
can I Resteem
great news dear ....I'm waiting for the dream to be a reality thanks dear sir @surpassinggoogle
This is absolutely the defining substance of the steem block chain. It has never been better and yes, so many of us have fears as regards the steem currency but your explanation @surpassinggoogle threw more light and I'm just so happy I saw this. I'm happy to be part of this movement.
Thanks for sharing @surpassinggoogle, very good to see.
I don't see why it wouldn't work. So far, steemgigs is on the right way; could've go wrong but it didn't. The thing is, with everyone's contribution, I see this being a success. Anytime you build something, you think in people's favour 😃, it is something so obvious. This is why I believe in your project and I believe in you too (robot with a human soul)
Loved your words, i too saw your effort in Steemgigs community !!
Oh my God! I read through everything but you said something really striking. That means everyone is hopeful and carried along by @teardrops. Thank you so much for giving hope to every steemians.
This last statement brought tears out of my eyes.
Referring to this write up:
@teardrops will represent an imperfect world, where every and each one is Celebrity. We will also dissolve the concept of "developing nations and developed nations etc" as in reality i don't believe that these concepts even exist. Let's see how it plays out....
I felt so loved when I got to the last statement as well. Thank you @teardrops
Am sure the teardrop smt project will be a success because it's a project that is aimed at making every individual a celebrity and to eradicate the concept of developing and developed nations.
"1 Peter 5: 7", just cast every burden upon Him and see what happens next. The Lord is your strength @surpassinggoogle