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RE: In The Future, Everybody Will Have Their Own Cryptocurrency

in #smt7 years ago


What a great article painting the future. I like your view of the possibilites and therotical happenings.

For me it looks like that we are looking for the next GAFA, but with the difference that everyone can participate and try something.

I am also thinking about developing an own coin.

What i would find interesting is a coin that would be like the FIFA. For the Soccer world a huge community with an integration in the EA Games that you can mine them within the game. Similar to Minecraft and Dogecoin​.

This whole thing is so exciting​ and the future is unknown. :)


You are right...that would be huge.

It is the most popular sport in the world and would be a way to instantly unite all 1B+ fans all over the globe....well until the start of the match that is.

Exactly :)
This must be done!^^

You certainly found a big pond to fish in there going after the soccer/football people.

I think you are dealing with over 1/7th the world population.

I was also thinking about it, this math should be right.
But the way to make something like that happen, puhhhhh.

better to keep it simple first :)

Of course my friend.
This is just a vision and every vision needs to be started simple ^^