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RE: Smart Media Tokens to allow point-and-click ICOs (and MUCH MORE)

in #smt7 years ago (edited)

I am definitely waiting for a Disqus like commenting system, or a WordPress like blogging platform but incentivized through Smart Media Tokens (SMT). The future of online media and content looks great.

Too many ICOs is a bad idea in my opinion. The genuine ones are overshadowed by the number of incompetent start ups doing ICO without knowing what to do with people's money.

Witness Vote:- I have read good things about you but voting for witness is something special. I think I will vote for you but have to know more and interact a bit.


that's exactly what I'm waiting for as well; I agree with 'too many ICO's' and tend to avoid investing in them right now; I like to wait and see how they do. But I think these SMT's will be built around communities; and people who have/build them and those will end up being the ones withe the most value. I hope this project attracts the right developers!

Right developers and communities. Perfect match. Imagine if New York Times decides to have their own SMT to distribute among content creators (authors, comments), what it may mean. Imagine Huff Post doing that worldwide.

Yea, I got that right away. I started my own 'blog' site a few years back and actually have a few writers on staff (who don't really write) --- as you stated, with a Token I could motivate them to write more; and even incentivize current community members who love to comment, to comment on 'more articles' - I'm No New York Times; but SMT would help me tremendously in many of the same ways -