That idea played in my head too after i read @donkeypong's open letter! Though that would have constitute some form of blatant plagiarism if without his prior consent.
Imagine how many people would be introduced to the Steem ecosystem if Berkeley were to adopt an SMT!
Imagine if any institute at all were to adopt an SMT!! Schools can bootstrap an online community through the use of SMT as a "science project" (I believe the internet was invented in a similar fashion), national/international NGO can adopt its use. Local community forums can adopt SMT and use ChainBB-like templates.
They dont even need to adopt it. Just the mere mention of SMT may get people curious on what it's about and eventually dive the Steem blockchain rabbit-hole.
All of this is of course talk however... I really wish (and hopefully strive) to have the outreach capability that @donkeypong has...