I saw a post by @appics and its just amazing how many ideas people are thinking up using SMTs. Im here hoping that an african can bring something to the table s well, im going to try and get this across to all the afro tech wizards I know.
Steem is the future for real.
I have seen lots of great africans on steemit, from @maryfavour, @destinysaid @ehiboss @gbenga and of cause @surpassinggoogle.
I personally believe steem, and in extension SMTs are capable of causing a disruption in the ways africans are viewed, how we are associated with, how we utilize the internet and how we much content we are able to bring forth to the world(we have a buttload of indigenous tech, stories and inventions that never see the light of day)
Case study is the massive influx of Africans into steemit, if I cant speak for all Africans, I can definitely speak for Nigerians then :D
P.S I myself am a product of an african intiative, @africaunchained (@africasteem on twitter)
"Eunuch" story.Yes. I have learned so much about Nigeria through steemit. I am learning about the people of nigeria mainly through the stories of @greenrun. He has some fantastic and wonderful story, they put me right there in the village. So yes I have learned, and am continuing to a lot about Africa. In America, the only thing I ever heard on the MSM was how Nigerians once again conned some stupid American, how some phone scam started in Nigeria. Some of the stories may have been true, I don't know and to be honest, I don't care. The past is the past, steemit is the future, and I see in that future a beautiful future for Nigeria. One more plug for @greenrun - everyone if you do not believe me about the power of his words go read his
I really love your new exposure to learning about Nigeria from Nigerians. This is the only website you can have and see it raw as it happens in Nigeria. Feel free to check as many great fellows through the nigeria tag. @greenrun is a great fellow. I like that you are a staunch supporter of his proof of brain. Cheers @bashadow
Thank you all for the support, most of the time you just get lost in your own world to notice people like what you try to pass across. Steemit is a big learning process for me and I believe with SMT it'd only get better. The internet is about to be revolutionised, it already had hit a major revolution with steemit. STEEM would get a major boost once SMT is implemented and I'm pretty excited to be here to witness this awesome development. Thanks one more time for the support, I appreciate it.
When you doing a great work, people will surely recommend you. I must say @greenrun you have done awesomely well. Keep it up sir
Thanks a lot, fellow steemian.
@appics is the already existing Steepshot + vapourware SMT based on a blockchain and SteemUI that seems to have errors for more than a week already.
it's true.
I've learned so much about Africa through the African community here on Steemit.
@joythewanderer I am glad you have! Things are going well and looking strong , if africa can take over thetrending page, tht is my joy!
Sure it will, let's make Africa great!