in #smoothie8 years ago

The ever enjoyable smoothie comes in all sorts of colors and flavors, and we’ve certainly had our share of wonderful recipes posted on steemit lately. Though I haven’t tried anyone else’s recipes yet, I’ve definitely been drinking more smoothies, all because of steemit. These are a five more ingredients that you should consider adding to your smoothies, and some quick reasons why I think you should.


Turmeric is a rhizome (or root) similar in structure to Ginger, just slightly smaller and orange in color. It is sold in either rhizome form or, more commonly, dried and powdered. It has long been used as both a food and a medicine. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is a great antioxidant. The antioxidant properties of Turmeric can help heal wounds, and there is some research concluding that it can improve your mood as well.

Since I consider to have a subtle flavor, it is a worthwhile and easy ingredient to add to any smoothie.


Honey is as versatile as it is beneficial. It can be in so many ways, and we would do well to be ingesting more of it. For one, it is a great natural sweetener and good alternative to everything from white sugar to aspartame. Though most fruit smoothies do not need to have sugar added to make them sweeter, who wouldn’t enjoy a little extra sweetness in their morning smoothie?

As far as benefits are concerned, the anti-fungal ans anti-bacterial properties of honey are some of the most notable and well known. Honey is great for battling infections and boosting the immune system. One word of advice would be to use raw honey whenever possible. Obviously this sweet ingredient can give a great boost to your smoothie.


When it comes to easy to grow garden vegetables that pack a nutritious punch, Kale rates pretty high on my list. Even if you don’t grow your own, It is relatively cheap to purchase and super easy to add to any smoothie or salad.

Kale has been considered by some to be one of the healthiest foods that we can enjoy, and many use it to help detoxify the body. It is an incredible source for Vitamins C, K & A, and also supplies a good amount of minerals like Manganese, Copper, Potassium, and Calcium. It is a quick and easy way to "beef up" any smoothie, and a great alternative to the wild greens that I recommended last time (link provided at the bottom of this post).


Now this suggestion is a little less subtle than some of the other options that I’ve shared, but it does work. I threw three whole, raw cloves in my test smoothie, and other than leaving a slight lasting effect on my breath for the moment, I didn’t really notice the flavor in the smoothie itself. If I hadn’t been the one who made the smoothie, I don’t think that I could have placed it’s subtle presence on the perimeter of the smoothie's flavor blend.

The health benefits of Garlic include such capabilities as boosting the immune system and detoxification, almost like a combination of the Honey and Kale already mentioned. I like to increase my Garlic intake prior to the cold & flu season of winter anyways, so throwing some into a smoothie just makes sense.

Though I wouldn’t suggest drinking a Garlic-enhanced fruit smoothie before going to a meeting or job interview, I still think that throwing a raw clove into the mix can be beneficial and worthwhile.


If you’ve got some extra Chia Seeds left over from your Chia Bob Ross Head, then you’re in luck. Yes, Chia Seeds can be used in other ways besides covering clay sculptures to grow some poofy, green "hair" on them.

Chia seeds are a super nutritious food that is also gluten-free. They are a great source of dietary fiber, and such minerals as Manganese, Calcium, and Phosphorus. Though they are very tiny individually, they are often used in weight loss programs and diets to help people feel full and not crave more food. A handful in the morning smoothie should easily help you make it until lunch!


To test how well these potential ingredients actually work in a smoothie, I did some quick research and development in the kitchen. After my last smoothie experience, I wanted something with Pineapple in it. I used Pineapple, Strawberries, Kiwis and Yogurt for the base, and then added all five of my suggested ingredients to it.

I would call this experiment a success as well. My wife said that she could taste the Kale, and I was able to pick out the presence of Garlic, though perhaps this was because I was intentionally looking for the presence of that flavor. I think that it went down smooth, though, and tasted great overall. If it was that easy for me to add all five of these beneficial ingredients to my simple smoothie recipe, I think that you should have no problem trying at least some of them in your next smoothie.

Why not give a couple of these suggestions a try and let me know what you think?

If you enjoyed this post, please check out the previous one containing 5 other great ingredient suggestions.



ginger is another one - just a little bit gives it a nice kick and a boost to your immune system
I am gonna try the chia seeds in my smoothie next - I think it's really good way to use it, and honey too

On my to do list... Maybe 3rd or 4th edition . Thanks. Let me know how you like what you try in your next one.

I've recently started taking turmeric, mixing it with milk or juice ( doesn't taste the greatest though). I heard the health benefits are great; including keeping blood sugar levels normal, good post!

It is a little strong to eat raw as well, but blends into the smoothie pretty smooth and easy.

all good, apart from the garlic for me - mentally cant go there with that in a smoothie

Well, maybe if you just tried half a clove....
Thanks, could be an acquired taste that I've acquired, but it was fine by me.
Let me know if you try any of the other ones.

Nice one mate!!

I make this every 3rd day

All organic

  • Rainbow chard
  • Kale
  • spinach
  • celery
  • carrot
  • avocado
  • tomato
  • lemon juice
  • blueberries
  • banana
  • Apple
  • Macha
  • Water

I use a blender instead of a juicer so to keep all the fibre. Doesn't taste terrific but not too bad, but I notice a huge difference in health quality if I take it consistently.
The only reason I don't drink it every day is it costs too much,lol.

I get all my info and this from Dr. Rhonda Patrick this girl is one of the smartest scientists​ i have followed check her out if you get a chance she is awesome.

Thanks for the info. I appreciate your comment. I can see where that would get expensive, mate!

hmmm its worth a try

CHIA SEEDS It is incredibly useful piece. I often do myself houses.
Thanks I will try your recipes. Useful post.

Sounds good, never tried garlic in my smoothies but think I will give it a shot.

Can your bot at least upvote my post prior to paraphrasing it? LOL

I do like what you're attempting to do, and appreciate your effort, but I'm not sure yet if it'll be more helpful or annoying.

Wishing you the best!

Nice try. I've seen you do better. This summary really doesn't help though.

Great ideas! My favorite thing to add is hemp seeds.

Sounds like a good post to put in the marijuana and smoothie categories.

Maybe there should be a marijuana-smoothie category!

You'll get twice as much traffic with two categories.

true, you might get more traffic. I just posted in marijuana btw