I can't explained why but last night I decided to stop smoking!
So many of my friends given me great advice, tricks and tips. Very blessed but this time for the X millions time I've tried - this time is cold turkey -
Something more powerful then anything else wanted me to stop.
Nothing happen with me from health wise or any incident. I just wanted to stop.
It's going to be a hard battle but it's ok - baby step and I can do this.
I guess for me this morning was so different. I usually grab my coffee and go sit outside having my smoke.
I did the same ritual but without the smoke. Why? why this time I don't feel like it. which is good don't take me wrong but it's so strange. Something I can't explain but very blessed.
Well the good thing through this process is certainly going to be health, money, energy and free
Let's hope this time is the time. 7/17/17 is a good date to remember - 7 seems to be the lucky number.
I always say your mind is powerful and I knew mine is but how far can I push it to stop finally smoking.
That is a test from GOD and great challenge ahead.
Always expect the non expected - you never know when it's your turn
Julie Kenk
Beautiful post
Julie, When I stopped smoking. I thought to myself, if I could go 24 hours without smoking, then I can go the rest of my life without it. I also had to take that first day off from work because I would smoke a lot there, it was tuff, I craved so bad for a cig. But I got through it. The first week was ruff too. But I got through also and am so happy I quit. Good Luck .
Thank you - it's about now 12 hours without one. yes certainly not easy but I am doing hour by hour right now. lol