Grow Update Week 7

in #smkenetwork6 years ago

Hello smokers, hope you've had a great week!!

After almost a week long stagnation Super skunk shows clear signs that she entered flowering stage for good now. Not exactly sure what caused the pause other than swapping positions with White widow recently. I can't think of any other reason than that, she stopped shortly after swap happened. Anyways, she's back on track now, I'm just curious how much longer flowering time will be.
On other two plants, more leaves are getting yellow and continue to falling off. Buds are fattening up, still full of white pistils. In next few weeks we can expect pretty much same progress and little slower water consumption rate that will gradually go down as harvest gets closer.

Amnesia progressing at steady pace.

Super skunk made that final stretch to light

White widow, my personal favorite and this particular plant could set a new record in best yield per plant category.

Irrigation And Nutrients:
#Irrigated twice. Total water consumption: 22 l with ~10% runoff.
pH: 6.4 - 6.6

#Nutrients used:

  • Plagron Terra bloom - basic flowering nutrient
  • Plagron Green sensation - additive, booster

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This was posted from Smoke.Network


Looking really good so far :D !
Ive got some recently harvested afghan IMG_20180306_103117.jpg

You actually should dry them in the dark :)

Thank you!!
And you should definitely dry it in the dark.

Pulling through I can see. Well in some soil mixes they're gonna fade very quickly, especially when you start overdosing phosphorus. My plants typically don't fade at all, but that's a different story!

Hope you can bring them home with no big issues!

I don't think it has to do anything with nutrients. They act same in every grow. It doesn't matter is there 250 CFL, 250 HPS, 400 HPS, overdose, underdose... Second week into flowering they're fading.
Then again, I use same type of soil every time so maybe, I should look for some other options.

It's most likely soil. Low nitrogen levels would be the simplest explanation.

I thought same, but last grow was heavily overdosed and again exactly the same occurred. Its' just the way it is.

How much phosphorus are you putting in?

Only what's in nutrient. I don't add any additional phosphorus. I'm telling you, last grow was heavily overdosed and same happened.

I'm asking about P content of your nutes? Are you sure it's not too heavy?

Love it! More people having gardens means more people should smoke together!

And love the updates man it's nice seeing growers here!

Gonna be putting more growers on the autovotes soon when I grow @greenunion and @stonergirls too.

The best thing when you grow your own stuff is the fact you know what you smoke. If it's bad it's because of you, if it's good it's because of you. If you keep on learning, it will keep getting better.

I like when conversation goes:
-Man, this is good weed!!
-It's my stuff!!

Excellent! Super Skunk is awesome. In an earlier grow of mine I imported ladybugs that brought in mystery pollen, and they went to seed. The hybrid is pretty good. I will need to come up with a strain name. Any ideas?

Super Ladybug Skunk

Great selection! That's it! I love it! It's official!