#Smile, because it confuses people !

in #smile7 years ago


Smiling and laughing can have a positive effect on your well-being, but as you make the transition from child to adult, you often tend to lose the habit of indulging in these behaviors. A good example of this is a children’s playground: You often see the kids running around, constantly laughing and smiling as they enjoy living in the moment, while the parents sit around the edge, full of the stresses that modern life can bring, with the occasional grin breaking their otherwise serious facial expressions. Adults can benefit from taking a lead from children and making more room in life for smiling and laughter.

One of the most powerful things the world shares is the universal smile. A smile can cut through all barriers. It knows no age, gender, color or culture. No matter where you are in the world, what language you speak, or social status, a smile will always be understood.

The researchers randomly assigned nearly 170 American college students into one of three groups. All the students were asked to mimic a research assistant who was holding chopsticks between his or her teeth, as were the students. (As a cover, the students were told they were participating in a multi-tasking experiment.)
Do you want to be more attractive? Simple. Smile!


Nice write up! Keep up the good work