SMATHIUM - decentralized blockchain based loyalty platform

in #smathium5 years ago

Smathium is a blockchain based loyalty platform that aims to solve the main challenges facing traditional loyalty programs. A decentralized application (dApp) where all businesses can create their own loyalty gift programs that are supported by a single token. A single loyalty point system that is united in small on / off-line retailers around the world involving everyday life. Cafes, restaurants, grocery stores, and even shopping centers. Smathium aims to bridge various brands by building a multi-business loyalty award platform that is open to all types of businesses. As an integrated media exchange between users and brands, Smathium tokens can be used for transactions in all businesses registered on our platform and can be traded in exchange. In addition, Smathium creates additional features where brands can connect existing loyalty programs with the blockchain network.

SMATHIUM is the platform built for consumers to redeem their rewards. It is a B2B2C loyalty platform built on the blockchain technology. This is an opportunity for the retailers and consumers to engage on the loyalty management platform so that each party can benefit judiciously. AI-based analytics is allowed for increasing the conversion rates and sales of the company. They are creating a value-based business for the retailers and consumers based on the cryptocurrency.

Blockchain grows at an exponential rate and more and more people are interested in investing and taking active part. This is because of the great potential of the new system and the fact that it works differently from traditional systems that have made the process of interaction between and among people very strict.

SMATHIUM, gives traders great new ways to maintain their customer loyalty and grow more sales. Using crypto currencies, SMATHIUM and its SMT tokens will be valuable prizes that will not expire but increase in value. Tokens are liquid Ethereum bases and are not only purchased but can also be redeemed and transferred as well. In this way, customers can also receive a return on investment if they want to save the token before selling it in the following years.

Relationship between Service Providers and Developers

Open source ecosystem will be provided by SMATHIUM for the retailers in order to allow them to obtain profit from DAPPS creations they offer within the network. SMATHIUM will allow the developers to use template apps and software of the network so they can develop the custom apps to fulfill the need of e-commerce business. The developers will then get benefit from several ways such as the remuneration provide directly from retailers, arrangement of hackathons and prizes and creation as well as adoption of the software.

Market Strategy by SMATHIUM

Let’s take a look further at how SMATHIUM perform this customer loyalty platform in a ecosystem based in blockchain. The key tasks in terms of marketing done by SMATHIUM includes content management system, promotion among retails, e-commerce service providers and website builders. The value of SMT tokens itself is directly dependant on intensity of SMATHIUM loyalty program adoption and the number of e-commerce merchants.

Operation of SMT

The mission is to build the rewards and loyalty platform that will flood Dapps, online retailers of any shape and size and link them with their customers based on SMT tokens. Cоnvеrt, fаѕtеr lоуаltу аnd аdvосасу among uѕеrѕ. Thanks to the intеlligеnсе drawn from every раrt оf the nеtwоrk.


PREICO TIME : 2019-04-19 - 2019-05-06

ICO TIME : 2019-05-13 - 2019-07-29

Token info

Token Name : SMT

Platform: Ethereum

Type: ERC20

PreICO : price1 SMT = 0.003 USD

Price in ICO : 0.0060 USD

Average price : 0.01 USD


pre-ICO: 50% discount

ICO as IEO: 10% discount

Tokens for sale : 4,000,000,000
For more info about the ico and relevant info do visit the links below


Written by;u=1759573