@sequentialvibe: Σ19.99 SMART has been withdrawn from your account to SYZbiKX1Fh77N15fLG8ghNSjRhoGUKbZhs. You have been charged Σ0.01 SMART withdrawal fee. Transaction f52eb3f49bd19984ea695efd9b6c8709da7afb3035f4d0b29fbc2dd813853437 is now completed. To monitor the transaction status click HERE.
Σ19.99 SMART
has been withdrawn from your account toSYZbiKX1Fh77N15fLG8ghNSjRhoGUKbZhs
. You have been chargedΣ0.01 SMART
withdrawal fee. Transactionf52eb3f49bd19984ea695efd9b6c8709da7afb3035f4d0b29fbc2dd813853437
is now completed. To monitor the transaction status click HERE.