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RE: SmartCash Leaks - Episode 1 - TipBots Down

in #smartcash7 years ago (edited)

Jarrod Hockley-Franks, I didn't hear a license number or an ABN. But in the case of your statement, I would like to see regulated if you like regulations so much. I do not have and have never had any contract with anyone from so technically I have been working for myself. I'd like to see the contract I have signed if I'm wrong. Having said that, I'm committed to the community and I'm working on bringing the bots back live with my own funds on my own server since the founders have emptied the wallets. BigD is chipping in as well in this cause to help me show my good faith towards the community even though technically speaking I cannot be held responsible for anything whatsoever. Because the tipbots had a very simple term that no one can be held responsible for any lost funds in order to discourage people from holding their funds in a risky and centralized system. And if anyone has stolen here, it's those who have emptied the wallets without my permission and have now banned the discordbot on their server and are even reporting the new discord server I have made in order to allow users withdraw their funds. As with the 3 new hives, I'll get into that in the next episodes. I'm sure being one of the new hive coordinators you're well aware of the fact that not only the budgets of the 3 new hives are much less than the first 3, meaning the total balances, but also the founders can use sporks - soft fork - to disable them anytime which means these hives are not really independent. Not to mention even if they were, it would still not solve the issues of the fact that they're not operating based on any community consensus or voting but are rather forced upon the community. But yet again even when we get to consensus and voting, we still have an issue with at least initial unfair distribution of the block rewards. We either get real with these serious issues and seek to resolve them or we sit back and pretend it's all okay and ban, censor or fire anyone who raises them.