SmartCash all over the world - Growing stronger by the day

in #smartcash7 years ago (edited)

The evolution of Smart money is already in progress


This much is already clear, though.
The future of money will include smartcash.

The evolution of $SMART is already on the move providing consumers with more convenience and choice.

We welcome the arrival of financial freedom from the establishment, governments, central banks and centralized financial institutions.

Smartcash already changed the financial industry as we speak.

Today, we are still in an early stage. Many believe “Crypto is no reason for any individual to have”, just like people claimed 10 years ago "nobody will buy goods on Internet".

This prevents many people from seeing the current disruption and the bigger picture.

Smarthcash has all the characteristics, it enables, through its innovative business model and its #Blockchain technology processes, buyers and sellers who want to transfer value between each other:

● You can now buy and sell SmartCash directly from their web and mobile wallet

● SmartCash owners now have the ability to pay goods with Worldwide Free Shipping on

● You can now buy and sell SmartCash directly on #CoinmarketCap

● Anyone with a VISA or Mastercard is now able to buy #smart directly on

● Send SMART by email and SMS

● You can even mine SmartCash as every computer can be used as a mining device

smartbee-ep5-cover.jpg #SmartCard (fees are 1/10 of a cent) and #SmartPay (Pay via QR code)

● Launch of sister project called Bitcoin Confidential (OUT SOON)

Yes! You can call it financial #Freedom because Smartcash is a new source of capital transfers, investing, shopping and financing.

If you would like to learn more about SmartCash please visit :

Smartcard presentation:

Any questions?


Hehe 😁:

You can even check your #smartrewards via @Smartbot on Discord 😉

@smartbot tip 30

Σ$$$ Tipped @mediastudycenter Σ30 SMART! Comment @smartbot help to claim. Currently the price of SmartCash in the market is $0.096 USD per SMART. Current value of the tip is $2.88 USD. To find out more about SmartCash, please visit

Thank you @smartcash

You can use the following commands:

  • balance - displays your current wallet balance
  • address- displays your deposit address
  • withdraw <amount> <address> - withdraws the amount of SMART to address
  • tip <username> <amount> - sends the amount of SMART to username
  • terms - displays terms and conditions for using @smartbot


You have Σ30 SMART (unconfirmed: Σ0 SMART).

I'm not sure what you mean?