Only Full Members can be permanent investors - for that you have to transfer any amount to the Pool from your own Smartcash account. The Free Membership is a one-month option only. The reason for this is that the small amounts of SBD can't be transferred without incurring large transfer fees. But I may change that in the future if there are enough Free Members to make it possible.
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@auskiwi can I transfer my small amount of smartcash on steemit to you to become a permanent member? Think I have 85 smarts.
Sure, you can send it to SgVbxFqK1tFVfcS1LXLg35LQhbaZXwg8E6
Can I get my stake smartcash earnings in steem though?
If you are planning to just hold the 85 SMART in the Pool, without compounding the interest, I suppose I could pay the interest out to you in Steem or SBD each month. If you are wanting to compound the interest, it doesn't really become an issue till you withdraw the whole amount. Let me know how you want to do it.
I would like the interest paid out in steem or sbd. Thanks.
@smartbot help
You can use the following commands:
- displays your current wallet balanceaddress
- displays your deposit addresswithdraw <amount> <address>
- withdraws the amount of SMART to addresstip <username> <amount>
- sends the amount of SMART to usernameterms
- displays terms and conditions for using @smartbotThanks, I see your deposit there.
Hi, just letting you know that I had to close the Smart Rewards Pool as the main investor pulled out. I have calculated that you have about 93 SMART after interest was added in but I'm happy to round that up to 100 SMART as a bonus as I didn't keep up the SBD payments that I promised you. Do you want the funds paid back in SBD or Smartcash?
I take it in sbd please. Thank you so much for reach back to me regarding my stake.