Some people might have noticed that I've been absent from Steemit since September. That was just because my summer vacation ended, I went back to school and I lost a lot of writing time.

But, I have continued to be very active in the land of cryptocurrency, so here are some updates as to what I've been up to....

As some of you may know, I bought an ethereum in July of 2017 for $190 CAD ($153 USD). Ethereum was this price for a small timeframe, by the next morning it was already $300. At this same time Bitcoin, which recently exceeded $20, 000, was only $2000. On that day in July, roughly every currency was at it's lowest drop. After that, the price of Ethereum rose to $500 CAD and continued to plateau, until very recently when it hit the thousand dollar mark. I'm happy to note that since then, the price has soared to $1,730 CAD, which translates to about $1,540 CAD in profit!
One of my first steemit articles I wrote here was about the coin Ripple (XRP) and how I thought it would be a good investment. It was written around July 2017. At the time, Ripple was only 28 cents. For a very long time after writng the article, I felt conflicted because even though I did my research, it didn't seem like Ripple's price was going anywhere; It never really went higher than 30 to 35 cents. I was in doubt that 1 Ripple would hit the $1 mark by the end of 2017, I even considered writing a new article that would contradict myself. But, I decided not to, and just in time for 2018, Ripple exceeded the price of $1! Now, 1 Ripple is approximately $2.08 USD (according to CoinMarketCap), which is a whole dollar more than what I predicted. So seeing my prediction turn out to be better than accurate, was simply amazing!
SmartCash, one of the first currencies to implement a rewards system, also encourages people to attain the coins in other ways, such as joining their team and helping them to market their unique business ideas. I've known about SmartCash for a long time, since 1 Smart was measured in Satoshis. While I do wish I had gotten involved sooner, SmartCash is still relatively new and has a lot more growth ahead of it, so it's not too late!In other news, I just created a #SmartCash wallet and I'm very excited to get started with earning some of those! I've watched the growth of SmartCash over the last 5 to 6 months and all of it is very impresseive. SmartCash is a currency that's a bit different than others, in that there is a system called SmartRewards designed to encourage longterm holding.
Lastly, I recently acquired 777 #BOLD tokens, which is an ERC-20 token that looks very promising. Like SmartCash, BOLD has a Bold Rewards system where anybody who owns at least 777 BOLD and has been holding them for a certain amount of time will earn monthly Bold rewards. I don't think the rewards have started yet, since BOLD is realtively new, but you can check out their roadmap on the website to learn more about their plans for the future! With rewards systems like this, it encourages people to hold onto the token as the value increases, so that they can earn more.
Happy to be back and active again,#SmartCash #BOLD #Ethereum #Ripple
- Ally O
You are welcome and thanks for the update. I am following you for more enlightening updates.
Thank you, and I'm happy to be back.
I'm a huge fan and supporter of SmartCash. So much, that I'm running a contest for 50 coins to the winner of the best comment if you're interested.
I've never heard of Bold before either, but I'll give it a shot