Hai , malas yang mengungkungku
Kuingin menghancurkanmu
Karena kau telah menelan masaku
Hai, malas yang selalu lekat menyelinggkup tubuhku
Pada tiap sisi ruang dan waktu
Bodohnya aku tak kuasa menepis keangkuhanmu
Meski telah kuupayakan
Tak bertegur sama denganmu
Kau terus saja menggapai-gapai menarikku
Setiap langkah yang terarah melawanmu
Magnet kemalasan pasang kuda-kuda menjeratku
Kurasa kantuk, berkeringat, pusing dan pegal
Menyeretku kepembaringan…..
Melenakanku dalam mimpi kesiangan
Kemalasan enyahlah…..
Aku tak hendak kehabisan…..
Waktu berhargaku
Hi, lazy that confines me
I want to destroy you
Because you have swallowed me
Hi, lazy is always attached diinggkkkku my body
On each side of space and time
I can not foolishly dismiss your pride
Although I have tried
Not saying the same to you
You just keep reaching for me
Every step is directed against you
The lethargic magnet of the pairs of horses entrapped me
I feel sleepy, sweaty, dizzy and sore
Dragging me to the b ...
Wearing me in a dream of oversleeping
Oh .......
Laziness is gone ... ..
I do not want to run out ... ..
My precious time