Resources for crypto-artists (and a small 3D model)

in #slothicorn7 years ago

Found this while perusing the webs, and thought it'd be perfect for the Creative Commons community, given the choice of sizes and the availability of SVG's (though the SVG's mainly make my turning them into 3D models easier, no idea if it
s any help for others ;) )

Credits go to Junik Studios for the icons, individual creators for the actual logo's (AKA., Bitcoin's symbol, Ethereum's symbol...)

The entire library of files can be downloaded here and, for each of the cryptocurrencies included, the following categories exist:

  • Regular BW
  • Regular coloured
  • Outlined BW
  • Outlined Coloured
  • Rounded BW
  • Rounded Colored (Tokens)
  • Rounded Outlined BW
  • Rounded Outlined Colored
  • Rounded Square BW
  • Rounded Square Coloured

And each category contains these options for each crypto:

  • 32X32
  • 64X64
  • 128X128
  • 256X256
  • SVG

The chosen cryptocurrencies include most of the classics, though it also includes some coins I've never even heard of (Aquarius Coin ?!? Really ? is there a coin for each sign then ? ...).

Here's the "terms of use" (pretty lacking in terms of actual license, but it pretty much obeys the CC spirit I'd say):

Thank you for downloading this set!

You can use these icons in any way you want, for personal and commercial use. The credits for icon designs go to Junik Studio; the credits for logo designs go to original authors of the logo.

We would appreciate if you provide the credits to Junik Studio ( >or when using our design.

I hope you'll be able to use this resource as a basis for your artwork,

In the meantime, I'll be using the SVG files to try and make some more 3D models using Vectary :)

Here's a small experiment I did using the EOS logo

My EOS "shield" bowl.
Completely impractical, but then it is an experiment XP
I'm pretty sure it's printable, though ;)

here it is, customizable in Vectary and the STL file on MyMiniFactory.

This model is really just a fast doodle, to test the "EOS bowl" idea that popped into my head, but you never know... maybe it can be useful to someone XP

My 3D model is released under CC-BY-SA), the logos themselves are free to use, even for commerce, as long as you attribute Junik Studios.


You have received an upvote from @slothicorn! Neigh neigh. We have resteemed your post as well! Thank you.

I thought you'd like it 😉

Couldn't resist sharing when I saw what a treasure trove I'd stumbled upon hehe.

I need to check out what other things that studio has made, maybe there's more hidden somewhere 😆

Oh interesting. I didn't know there's a Vectary. Haha. Thanks for sharing!

no problemo :)

Vectary is an awesome tool. makes mesh modelling very easy, and when combined with some of the more traditonal CAD tools (capable of all those high-level functions like patterns, etc.) you can make some amazing results :)

Do share if you make something using Vectary, it's always interesting to see what others do :)

Ok, not sure when I'll start using it yet. I tried Sketchup some years ago and it was fun to learn it but kinda hard too. Haha. Haven't used it since then.

Hi @pbock, I have started playing around with some pixel art on MagicVoxel and was wondering how you might convert those file formats into a 3d model that you can print? Have you had much experience with it since I would like to create something physical and pixel art is about the extent of my 2d/3d design skills :p

Did some fast reading, and it looks like you can export a model in .obj format directly from MagicaVoxel.

Conversions between .obj and .stl (the kind of file most 3D printers will accept) is pretty easy, and a simple google for "obj stl conversion online" gets you plenty of services that do it for you.

Main problem is that you lose all the transparency and texture settings.

Here's a guide I found that explains the different ways to convert a MagicaVoxel model to a 3D printable one, and outlines what details you lose in each case. (the guide focuses on importing into sketchFab, but you can just keep the file and convert it into STL instead)

I think just being able to print it would be great (in a material that can be painted). Painting pixel art is not too difficult as long as you follow the grids :D

I have yet to acquire my own 3D printer, so I have no idea how to make it printable in multiple colors, sorry :/

brade. maybe make eos logo to be rounded is your idea. but, whatever it is, if it is made like a standard eos identity. it will be amazing. Hehehe. I even just found out, if you like design.