Well i'm known as @knightofzero
My friend @rayne122 told me to post my sketches with @slothicorn.
i usually sketch cause i like it. i am not a professional but try my best to do some good sketch. From now on i will keep you up to date with my sketches. i hope you will like my sketches. feel free to suggest in the comment. i hope i will learn something from your feedback with you opinions and suggestions.
That's a nice sketch.
Keep sketching more and more :)
Yep. i will
I would be very interested in seeing more of your sketches!
Thanks. I will post more of my sketches. And i think you are welcome to check my post anytime.
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You've received an upvote from @slothicorn! (@ghulammujtaba)
Thank u. I thought my sketch is not enough to get your upvote.
@slothicorn how can i join with you?
just use slothicorn on your post tag
I already use but @slothicorn do not response my post.
I think @slothicorn take some time. As for this post slothicorn upvoted it on the 4th day.