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RE: My Singularity Series defined: A Steemit inspired series of ongoing paintings

in #slothicorn6 years ago

Yes, I am also not in a mad rush to be made tech personified. In many ways I am a Luddite, but I am also a dreamer and a realist, if those two things can coincide. It is merely my fanciful look at what I do think is, in parts, an inevitability: AI and implants and so on. One constant in life is Change, they say.

We do like to ramble, we two, don't we? It's nice to find others who don't mind smashing endless letters together to stitch up a quilt of sentences and ideas. Some call it wordy, I call it 'conversation' and we jolly well miss it in this post modern world.

I think one think I love about Steemit is I do feel like I can go on and on and it seems to be ok. I recall, back in the 90's, when the internet really became a 'thing' I though, "Oh good, maybe we will have a return to letters, with less phone talking and more emailing, maybe the time of letters and long written post (albeit digital) shall return. Boy, was I wrong and who would have guessed about emoticons and conversations being things like little thumbs pointing up or smiling faces made with parentheticals!

I am glad you are enjoying my little foray into this supposed future world of mine. I am having a blast dreaming it up and am thankful when others find any joy or even simple amusement in it!


I shall attempt to keep this shorter than long. But felt I must respond. I LOVED the email world. I used to stay up very late and talk to friends on the box for hours. Typing back and forth at light speed. We would get into these constant conversations, where you couldn't even answer fast enough, the brilliance ( : .....would pile up. And went all OVER the place. But usually very funny. I so enjoyed it. I love to write, and it seems to flow even more when talking to a real person on the other end. VS fictional things. Don't know why, but it just is. Sigh, I do miss it. Though many on here are trying hard to bring it back ( :

I think that's one reason I love Steemit so much. (Besides the obvious, a vehicle to finally get some of my gazillions of writings actually out to a human being, to read, besides Christmas letters and things to family. Who never really seemed to enjoy it all that much. But now, a captive audience. Yay.) This world, as you say, encourages it, if you find friends that do as well. Double Yay.

I do so miss the true letter and such (though I still typed them. Faster and less painful sometimes). It has always amazed me, we think of ourselves as SO smart in today's world. But you read letters, from the Civil War and such, they were SO ELOQUENT. I think W.A. did a bunch, from his family, correct? Many folks were SO well spoken and written in times past. I've read where the average vocabulary is about half what it was in the 40's. Something like that. Particularly when compared to, as you say, emoji's and other clipped conversation. I've actually heard people talk for a minute or two, and not really say a THING. I have to practice myself, to not fall into it. (Luckily, I've steered clear of the habit-forming 'ya knows' and 'likes') It is amazing. And sad. Well, for not saying anything, I did it again. "Sir, this is not even CLOSE to short". Yikes...

But wait....I do also love how you sew all these spiffy words together, such as your smashing endless letters together to stitch up a quilt of sentences and ideas. You are always so creatively fun in a chat. Well, I'm off to the bicycle, so must go. I look forward to more babble-rambles, and of your foray into further AI and beyond. It is so creative and has no real end, except wherever the original dd decides to take it. Tata for now...