🔮Given Myself A New BlockChain Job : Creative Commons Crypto Artist Recruiter!🔮

in #slothicorn7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes it just clicks into place.

Like this new idea of mine.

I have given myself a new job.

The Official Steem Blockchain Creative Commons Crypto Artist Recruiter!

This is also why I've filled this post with art from my fave Steemian-artists!

By the great @overkillcoin whom I can happily call my steemit amigo

I’ve got an eye for finding good artistes and I’ve got the power of persuasive speech so I am combining these two.

By @yusaymon

What I’ll actually be doing is this :

I am going to go hunting on ‘traditional’ social media and find good artists that NEED to be on our blockchain.

Basically stalking them with comments and DM’s telling them about Steem, and if they take the bait, I’ll be sending them a Steeminvite so that they can start becoming part of our blockchain asap!

I am fully aware that using Steeminvite will temporarily drain my SP and I will be spending 0.100 $Steem each time I get an artist onto Steem.

But hey, it is TOTALLY worth it!

Art is the expression of our hearts.

And it needs to be seen more and used more.

I stand behind the @slothicorn principles in which we feel that the idea that an artist should starve for their art is outdated.

By @cryptocomic

You deserve to thrive creating from the heart and doing the shit that makes you happy!

I am going to stop rambling on about how fucking great art is and how necessary it is for our world, and just put the necessary reads that a newbie artiste on our blockchain should read!

Hello new artist of the Steemit blockchain!

How happy I am that you are here!

Let me start off by saying that if you have any questions, you can ALWAYS reach out to me via various channels.

Twitter : https://twitter.com/AshleyKalila
Discordapp : ashleykalila#9551
Steemit.chat : ashleykalila
E-mail : ashleykalila@protonmail.com

I will do my best to find out the answer for you!
And if I don’t know it, I have a lot of Steemit friends who have a wealth of knowledge about this great blockchain and whom I’ll put you in touch with!

By @fabiyamada

You may think who is this Ashley Kalila person?

Let me introduce myself.

I am a woman whom consciously decides to live from her heart, be authentic in every moment (even though it can be ugly and negative at times), likes to help people and writes intuitively.

I believe in a life where freedom and love are the center pieces.

And blockchain has become an integral part of that dream coming into fruition.

On the steem blockchain, I help people, inspire with my words, support artists (cos I love art!) and just try to be a good egg of a human being!

I have my own project called @humansofsteemit where I interview people on the blockchain.
I shitpost stupid stuff on @drunkonmilk
I am part of the wonderful @ocd curation guild.
I write my own blog.
And I am part of the @slothicorn movement.

Which is the reason why you are reading this post!

I was slothicornified by @drawingly

You may be wondering, what the hell is this all about?

Well as you have read above, I am recruiting artists to hop onto our blockchain because I believe art is very much needed and I believe that YOU will be of great value to this whole online space.

Below are a few sources that will give you a head start on your journey!

If you’ve read some of the things and want to have a Steemit account, please let me know so I can create a Steeminvite for you.
Steeminvite is basically a service that allows me to create an account for you instantaneously so you don’t have to wait the few days that it takes for a ‘normal’ account to be made.
(See? I want to make your life easier!)

So here ya go, these are the articles :

Five Articles Every New Steemian Needs To Read by @ashleykalila

These 5 articles are (in my opinion) the most comprehensive put-together articles on how this place really works. You’ll find pretty much everything in there. So by the time, you’ve read this, all it’s pretty much more about the ‘doing’ part.

A must read!

By @yoogyart

This whole jump into the art world started with @slothicorn (more about that later).
In this post, I explain what the basic principles are of what I do here to support artists!

Yesss! Found Another Way To Give Back To The Steemit Community

So now that you understand the idea, let me introduce you to @slothicorn’s off-white paper. It was written by @stellabelle who is the leader of our Slothicorn movement and is bringing big changes to the artist world with her visionary ideas! (You should definitely follow her when you’ve got your Steem account!)

Slothicorn Philosophy: Preview to the Off-White Paper by @stellabelle

Slothicorn was specifically started as the cryptoart movemet but has spread it’s wings to include ALL creative commons art!

By creating your art under the Creative Commons license, you are setting it free!
Plus you make it WAY easier for content creators to use it in their posts and therefore you’d be more easily awarded with those precious SBD’s that’ll be transferred to you!

I am very much encouraging you to create under the CC license.
I have seen the art community flourish tremendously with the influx of artists creating under the license and a real gift economy connection happening with fellow Steemians across the board.

It has truly been a major gamechanger!

The BEST way to contact other Slothicornians is to join the Discord server!
Make yourself an account on Discordapp.com and get a-mingling.
I’ve got a great read for you to make you understand all the different chats and things happening in this busy server.

An Introduction to the Slothicorn Discord Chat
by @inquiringtimes

And if that’s all way too much reading for you now, just take a look at this great infographic!

Well this is all the resources you need (for now)

Now it is all UP to you.

Do you want be a part of our beloved crypto creative commons artiste blockchain tribe?

By @azurejasper

BIG love,


Steemit Ashley Kalila.png

Sharing Authentically.png


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!


I love your new role and it's cool how you stepped up to fill a need without being asked — and wow — these really are some great artists. I want to adopt that crypto-chicken!

Well someone has to do it right? ;)

But in all honesty, I feel this is needed and I enjoy this whole thing.

The crypto chicken is mega genius ey?


I think newgrounds.com should be absorbed into the steem blockchain ☺

Oh yes definitely!

Oh maaaannnn i used to spend hours on there.

thanks for reminding me of some good fond memories that I had actually COMPLETELY forgotten!

Love the initiative. I'm right with you.

How do you do Steem invites? I'd love to a part of your project, will chew on your post and figure out how! Thanks for the initiative.. I'm very happy to see art wanting and starting to be pushed.

And to be honest, I think Steepshot with Steem is a great seller to artists.. it's the same as Instagram, but plugged into here. Maybe that might help, telling them about Steepshot.

check out steeminvite.com :)
it'll explain all!

Hmmmm.... I don't think steepshot isn't optimized for artists yet!

But i'll definitely keep it in mind

What kind of optimization would you be looking for? Might be worth giving them a shoutout of the suggestions in their discord. It's still alpha. =P

Maybe the text content and markup isn't there yet, but for images it's a smoother ride than Steemit.


  • You actually have an image uploader in the UI isntead of drag/drop and markup code,
  • Gallery viewer of peoples posts in grid format,
  • Image centric profiles/ui,
  • A mobile app to complement the web.
  • Comments go to the images in a floating viewer/view, just like Instagram - with option to view as list/grid
  • You also have up to 20 hashtags (instead of 5 limit in Steemit),
  • You also get the plus (unlike instagram) that you can use the UI to upload images from the web browser on a PC, artstation style.
  • If an artist does well on instagram, they know they can figure out Steepshot without even blinking (unlike a new abstract concept of blogging on Steemit that doesn't even centralize images in the search index and where you'd have to write code in Markup code about your art to make a good blog post).

In general, it's just more image centric. I see it more... well talking to artists I work with daily, it seems more attractive.


Seems steepshot has come A long way from where it was.

I will check it out.

Thank you for your comprehensive comment.


You are a good egg

You have boundless energy, as i predicted. Thank you so much for the work you're doing. I have big plans......


Talk about giving a thousand percent! A couple months ago, I had this half-formed idea of tempting my WordPress blogging friends over here, and that's as far as I've gotten. I bow before your awesomeness (and I might have to steal some of your ideas... 😉 )

Do you have DeviantArt on your list of places to stalk people? I've found some amazing artists there over the years. Good luck, and...


I love this, you are doing an amazing job just for love to art, we need more people like you who is ready to create new communitys and friends in order to promote art!!! Good job greetings from Venezuela

This truly sounds like the perfect job for you. Isn’t it amazing there is an economy in which you can create your own job?! \o/

This is awesome! I started on steemit around July of last year, but didn't actually get involved til many months later, just for the fact when I would look through it, the art category was so slim. I thought, "Oh, this really doesn't seem like a platform for art : (" But, now, it's one of the best things I've ever gotten involved with, I LOVE the art community here and I see that it's been growing which is amazing. Anything to help the growth of art on the platform is awesome! Okay, I'll read the rest of the post now, I read your new job and looked at the art and just had to comment! : ) The art here is sweet!

Thanks for sharing the work of these talented artists, and for helping create the @slothicorn movement! This is the first I've heard of it. I'm looking forward to getting more involved in this cryptoart revolution!

well done for taking the initiative in doing these, you really put yourself out there and do alot for the steemit community. Hats off to you.I wish I had more hours in my day, but my 3 girls take up the biggest chunk but you know what I wouldn't have it any other way x

oooh we have a lot of great artists that I have already talked about the creative commons and slothicorn art.

@ezraabas @marklester23 @khenbee are some of our talented artist

@ediah has already made some contributions

@aalagenesis is part of artguildph which has so many talented artists.

I hope this will help in becoming an artist)

Im glad to 'meet you'! So :
A - gosh you are productive!
B - amazing stuff that you are doing to help!
C - Slothicorns !

Don't change style, reading your post was really fun'!

@ashleykalila Congratulation for the new role!
And it seems like the perfect job for you

i hope someday my work will be pick..hehe..good picked bytheway

Thank you for your inspiring post, I also started my new blockchain job today after getting motivated by reading you! Thanks a lot, I am looking forward to read your wonderful articles as well as for further cooperation, all the best, Jean