When the market dips we follow usually pretty hard. I am hoping we don't go as low as 50c though.
50 dollars is what we want to see!! :0D
When the market dips we follow usually pretty hard. I am hoping we don't go as low as 50c though.
50 dollars is what we want to see!! :0D
I can say youre the cats meow.
But instead ill say youre the cannons Boom.
Im with ya though, been getting the doom n gloom feeling. Hoping we find a nice support/interest for buyers. To get to $5 and hang there and build support in the future would be pretty amazing too. I can see Hive being a little class of its own. Like dash and monero are original privacy based. Steem n Hive can be the original social media coins. Thanks bro.
If a seacow can belch, and if a half winged duck can fly, then a Boom can Rock.
I think eventually we will sit at or around two dollars. Or crash all the way to the ground!!! :0D
I fervently hope I can rock. Otherwise all my guitars are going in the bin!! And that would hurt!