Up before 8:00am today. Ate a couple of toaster strudels and an orange for breakfast, followed by a "Strawberry" flavoured protein shake and now eating some beef jerky as I type out the days first post. Going to work out here before lunch time with some free weights to get the blood-flow going too. Already went for a brief walk down to the C-store to get myself some Rebbulls... Yeah I know I need to cut the caffeine shit down but it's the only thing that perks my brain out of hibernation mode..!
My headache from Tuesday seems to be all but gone. Still a little bit shakey on the right side but all and all I'm feeling far better than I could be. The long sleep was needed I guess, woke up dehydrated as hell but slowly restoring my H2O reserves. Also went and picked up some vitamins, 5-HTP and melatonin supplements to try and re-regulate my wake/sleep cycles. Now that I've woken up at a "normal" time the goal is to maintain a nice day and night cycle to avoid unneeded stress on the body. Will take a bit of adjusting but I've got to consider it a much needed change.
"Git'er Done"
Going to catch up on e-mails, faucet verification and try to get a new 16GB RAM kit to play nice with my existing 16GB on the Black Stallion workstation before I take lunch. With any luck after lunch I'll be able to dive into Tippy coding and perhaps even clean my office space up a little bit and give you all a tour of where I spend nearly all my waking hours. Picked up a waterproof, drop proof and KLYE proof external hard drive too, need to start backing things up religiously.
Need to cut the grass sometime today too. Hoping we don't get rained out here today. It's kind of a muggy overcast crappy day but at least it's not hot, I guess it rained all yesterday but I missed it in my hibernation it seems. Looks like summer is quickly fading here in Manitoba with the leaves starting to look less healthy and the flecks of yellows and oranges coming in as the cool night air kills them off. Not really looking forward to winter.
chucklesHi @klye... Really nice of you to give us a peek into what your life is like... Its interesting.
By the way, whatever happened to steem.global faucet? I got the user id verification sorted out, thanks for that... But i never got to login to the site, it always shows unreachable.... Is it just me?
On the whole, i would like you and your followers to participate in this... Please accept this gift
Someone in your IP address range might be trying to do bad things.. The site tries to defend itself against hackers and whatnot.. You might have got accidently flagged as a hacker or someone nearby you is one. Sorry. Will look into it today.
Thanks for your response on that... I actually thought maybe the site had gone offline, i never considered the fault could have come from my end...
Well its most likely the ISP provider we use in this part of the world (West Africa). I usually have issues logging into ip sensitive sites, and when i tried to find out why, i discovered our GSM networks that provide us data services, use dynamic ip addressing, its always changing, sometimes assigning ip addresses of datacenters, or ip addresses of remote locations, randomly to their network users...
This may be where the problem is coming from, in which case, maybe whitelisting my user id, may help....
If you do figure out what the problem is, i will be really glad, cos i really like the concept of your steem faucet, and i look forward to using it too.
Thanks for your attention.
Glad that you are feeling better. Sometimes we just need to rest to re-charge.
Hi.. I'm new Here, I need a push , thank you for up vote this post
Nice. ;)
It's raining where I'm at today! :) Sounds like you are going to have a productive day! Glad to hear your headache is gone.
BTW I love the little thumbnails you make :) They make me smile. This one makes you look like a wizard! hehe
No rain here yet. Saw the sun a few minutes ago but still mostly cloud covered.
Thanks for the feedback on the art. It makes me happy, glad someone else gets a kick out of it.
totally! I like how he's got bug eyes! It's cute :)
Sounds like a busy day for you!! Dont work too hard!
Gotta play catch-up. Being asleep for over a day isn't good for productivity.
Myself a winter man just hate summer coz it's too harsh to work in summer here in Pakistan. On the other hand it's hard to wake up in winter too. Lol :) But somehow I can find will to wake up. Thanks your sharing your morning routine.
Do you guys get a bunch of snow and cold over there in winter? It can get downright cold here. -40 celsius or less at times..! Ok on the warm days, the snow is pretty.. But cold days your skin freezes here! not fun!
What's a faucet verification?
I implemented a real human verification method on STEEM.GLOBAL to try and protect it vs multi-accounters.
Are you implementing a new type of captcha verification?
Is it the only one that exists?
Thank you for your work I have checked https://steem.global/, I'd like to get steems from your faucet but I don't want to broadcast pics of myself on the net (maybe SteemIt is not suitable for me).
GET'r done!
Aye, catchup and conquer day!
Git'er Done!
5-HTP to help my poor brain seratonin a bit better and melatonin to knock my ass out after sundown..!
That's right! I'm trying without the 5htp for the summer - get some rays / try vitamin d3 5000mg a day with biggest meal too 👍🏾
I am just getting offline to deal with some IRL stuff here you had heard about so I was glad to see this update from you health wise.... it crossed in my last email back to you today
Keep focused on your diet and health man, it will be so great for you.
Blessings buddy.
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods Barry. This overcast weather and fall coming in certainly brings out the aches and pains. Grab some good painkillers to take the edge off! Been on muscle relaxants the past day now and seems to be helping my neck and shoulder.
Take er easy sir!
Day 2 of cleaning out the unit I told you about -- some people are really just terrible human beings.
You are on my mind buddy, believe that.
I hope you are doing fine @kyle. Glad to see you back.
Any day above ground is a good day. Having some lunch now and getting ready to tear this damn PC apart n figure out why my RAM hates me. Cheers man.
Sounds like quite the day! Good luck getting everything on the go!!
Yarr I need to mow today as well, but don't want to. Probably need to water the yard first and hope for some more rain so that the fertilizer and weed killer I put down this weekend has a chance to soak in.
A word from the older generation. Stop playing 'carch up', yesterday is gone, you can't get it back nomatter how fast you go.
No doubt the medics will disagree but after many years of chaising my own tail like you I j
Have found 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work and the rest for food and recreation.
The world will not stop spinning if you don't complete something today, you can do it tommorrow, or, remember the old saying, worked himself into an early grave.
It is always good to get to hear from the 'veteran' steemers!!!
I wish you the best in your health revitalisation. Health is the greatest wealth. Take care!
Peace!!@kyle Awesome having you on MSPWAVES.com with @aggroed
Pussy took him offline for 4 :D
seems like a productive day, take care of your health @klye :) btw special mention you in my recent post https://steemit.com/steemit/@fernwehninja/post-booster-to-help-you-earn-extra-bucks-compilation-with-filipino-translation
@klye I just made my first withdraw from the steem faucet and I received the email confirmation and everything but I don't know where it went because its not in my steemit wallet. Am I missing something?
great thanks man
you should get one of those automated lawnmowers https://www.amazon.com/Robomow-RX12-Robotic-Lawn-Mower/dp/B01MSLGGRH/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1506091460&sr=8-3&keywords=automatic+lawn+mower
Ahah. It's great to hibernate sometimes ;) Funny draw