SkyWay Group of Companies Promises a Return of 1000% in 3-5 Years. Should we Invest?

in #skyway7 years ago

At first, I landed on a company named SkyWay Invest Group…A site that is written in Russian so the info comes from the browser translator…A company that has to do with transport projects.
Researching more and came across SkyWay Capital, another Russian transporting company where on the about us page refer to a matrix company named SkyWay Group of Companies.
On the SkyWay Capital website, the “External Partners” page redirects to a 404 (error – not found).The other main “Partners” page is about the income opportunity.

SkyWay Capital – Their main task is financing the SkyWay project for the soonest introduction of an innovative transport system in the market.The rapid development of civilization expresses a need for breakthrough technologies and SkyWay is far ahead of our times…
SkyWay Capital Team
Evgeny Kudryashov – Director, Internet marketing specialist
Irina Volkova – Member of the General Board – economist and financial expert
Ineta Andzane, Larisa Artamonova, Vladimir Maslov, Grigory Miroshnichenko
Alexander Mynko, Lidia Chermashentseva, nd others….
..A domain search uncovers registration taking place on November 2014 with expiry date on November 2016 , in less than one month.The owner is shown and is Evgeny Kudryashov.


SkyWay Invest Group – an educational investment project, trademark of Rail SkyWay System.Experts in the field of investments can teach us how to save and multiply our capital choosing the optimal tools for our portfolio.
They aim to combine 2 projects
Educational investment project of Academy Private Investment
High tech Euroasian Rail SkyWay Systems Ltd.
By doing so they help people raise their level of personal income and/or become shareholders of high-speed safe environmentally compatible transport.Since September 2011 more than 100,000 people have completed their investment training courses.
..A quick search for the domain uncovers registration taking place in July 2014.The owner is using privacy for personal data.
..Searched for the Keywords “Academy private investment”, “Euroasian Rail”, “Euroasian Rail SkyWay”, “Rail SkyWay Systems” in my Keyword Research Tool (not on search engines) but returned no results meaning no one is searching for these terms.
..another search on Google for Euroasian Rail SkyWay Systems Ltd uncovers a pdf doc published from the Bank of Lithuania (Lietuvos Bankas)…informing people that by performing supervision of markets in financial instruments , warns investors that individuals who invite (online or by public channels) residents of Lithuania to invest in next generation string transport by acquiring shares of the above company, are engaged in illegal activities…September 2014.
The Bank of Lithuania has not approved the prospectus for shares of Euroasian Rail SkyWay Systems Ltd..Therefore if you invest you risk losing your money.

SkyWay Invest group team
Andrey Khovratov
Sergey Sibiryakov – consultant and major shareholder
Igor Korsun – Head of IT and automation
Igor Romanenko – investor and shareholder, director of SkyWay Russian company.
Victor Sobor – development, education, motivation, premium class coach
Olga Shantina, Alexey Sukhodoev, Irina Raltseva, Dmitry Schastlivy and others….

Deeper Investigation

Further research tracks the official website of SkyWay Group of Companies found on rsw-systems dot com.The white logo SW has the same design with the Light Blue SW of SkyWay Capital.

That means we have a solid connection between these 3 websites.The SkyWay Capital and RSW-Systems use the same logo and the SkyWay Invest Group is the one mentioning RSW-Systems (Rail SkyWay Systems).Additionally the last 2 use the same Favicon (a curve) in different colors, white and blue accordingly.
As a result, a new search for the rsw-systems domain uncovers registration on January of 2014 under the name of Nadezhda Kosareva and brand named Global Transport Investments Inc.

The “Clients” page on SkyWay Invest Group shows a European map with circled numbers indicating how many clients there are in each area but they are not mentioning any names or brands.


SkyWay Group of Companies Official Website
The main headline announces…”An international corporation with prospects to cover up to 50% of the world market for transport services.”..Underneath there is a chronicle .. I will mention the most important data as it is long
April 2015 – Video report that shows the area of EcoTechnoPark territory where the development center for innovative SkyWay transport systems will be built.
July 2015 – preparatory works were begun
September 2015 – Australian transport expert (Rod Hook) visits the Park and together with Anatoly Yunitskiy who is the President of SkyWay Group, examine the territory.
October 2015 – laying of concrete (there is a YouTube video playing if you press on the thumbnail showing workers somewhere dealing with concrete placement (approx 3-4 trucks – 20 men)
20 Oct 2015 – Press Release – grand opening of the sign of SkyWay zero kilometer.
until the end of the year SkyWay featured on news etc….the construction continues through snow and wind, photo reports …

18 Feb 2016 – the Expert Council under the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation acknowledged SkyWay string technology as innovative…(just an image showing 3 raised and windy outdoors SW flags).

…as a result of that, a new search on Google uncovers the official website of the “Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation” found on the URL .. mintrans dot ru – a federal executive authority in the transport industry.
Unfortunately, the English version of the site is not translating much except the main summary.All the buttons and links are still in the Russian language.There is no search option either so I tried the sitemap button which is not working at all.
A new search on Google for the term ..”mintrans ru skyway group” in order to link SkyWay Group on the Ministry website returned nothing.

However, what seems most interesting I found an uploaded pdf doc on the RSW-Systems domain showing a translated version of the Ministry corresponding approval but… there is no official stamp on it.Just letters and a sign at the end of the document.


Moreover, the same search tracked a distributor or investor of SkyWay Group announcing the opportunity to others on a forum mentioning that ..” the opportunity to invest in SkyWay may disappear in 2016 because a European major Venture Funds are planned to enter into the company”.

SkyWay Group of Companies – About
A fundamentally new transport system which is eco-friendly, safe, comfortable and significantly cheaper compared to all existing solutions.The EcoTechnoPark will transfer SkyWay string transport from a theoretically developed project to a good selling product.
Partners of SkyWay Group
Rod Hook & Associates
A Belarusian Association solving energy problems
The Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
SkyWay Capital
SkyWay Invest Group
MLCI – Crowd investing platform

At last SkyWay Group official website clearly, links the other 2 SkyWay Companies.

Risk Disclaimer Warning for Investors found on rsw-systems
The majority of start-ups fail…blah blah …you should only invest an amount you are willing to lose…..If a business you invest in fails, the company will not pay you back the investment.

SkyWay Capital Investors
In the framework of SkyWay Capital Club, you will have the opportunity
to participate in the activities of the company
trained in financial literacy
participate in training sessions on personal development and sales from top Russian and international trainers…
buy shares with a maximum discount of up to 750 times of the nominal value of shares
open a regional representative office of the company in your region
travel around the world with the SW team
get a VIP status which opens more opportunities for shareholders
A certificate of the company’s registration back in 2006 acknowledge an investment group that can be engaged in the sale of shares.

Invest in the Project
Investing in new transport technology even small funds, you will get the investment increased by 1000% or more in 3-5 years.
SkyWay is an elevated transport system in which traffic is arranged by means of suspended rails stretched between supports.The speed of the rolling stock can reach 500 km/h and its motion is controlled automatically.
Why does the world need it?
Environmentally friendly technology
Dozens of times fewer resources on construction than other types of transport
Low fares
Possibility to get to the hardest to reach settlements
High level of safety
Highest speed of movement along the ground (500 km/h)


Why do you need to invest in SkyWay
Profitable allocation of funds.You purchase shares of the company at the discount of up to 500 times of their face value and when the company enters the global market you will obtain capitalization from 1000% or more.
Lifelong dividends
Intellectual property.The group owns the exclusive right to the technology of SkyWay transport.According to independent experts, the cost of technology is $400,000,000,000….$400 billion
By acquiring company’s shares you become a joint owner of the world’s largest transport corporation

SkyWay Opportunity – Compensation Plan

The official Group website mentions that the English version of the business plan is at the stage of translation now.
Taken from the SkyWay Invest Group website…the Bonus Plan pdf
There are 10 grades in the partner program
Customer – No income opportunity, accept the terms of the partner’s agreement, register with personal account, no withdrawals option

Investor – No income opportunity, accept the terms of the partner’s agreement, a registered user who invested $8 or more, no withdrawals option

Partner – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares… 7% of sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares… 3% of sale on the 3rd level in money and 1,5% in shares.You can withdraw only if you invested 50 units or more.

Agent – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares.. 7% of sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares… 5% of sale on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares.. 4% of sale on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares.It is necessary to invest at least 200 units. Minimum sum of a withdraw from a Bonus Account is 50 c.u. (units).

Consultant – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares.. 7% of personal sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares.. 5% of personal sale on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares.. 4% of personal sale on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares…From 1 to 1,5% in the 5th level and more in money and from 0,5 to 0,75% in shares.Necessary to invest 500 units. Minimum sum of a withdraw from a Bonus Account is 50 c.u. (units).

Manager – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares… 7% of personal sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares ..5% of personal sale on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares.. 4% of personal sale on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares.. From 1,5 to 2% of sale on the 5th level and more in money and from 0,75% to 1% in shares. Bonuses are charged on both Bonus and Joint-stock Accounts.Necessary to invest 1000 units.The minimum sum of a withdraw from a Bonus Account is 50 c.u. (units)

Leading manager – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares.. 7% of personal sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares.. 5% of personal sale on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares…4% of personal sale on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares.. From 2 to 2,5% of sale on the 5th level and more in money and from 1 to 1,25% in shares.Need to invest 2000 units. The minimum sum of a withdraw from a Bonus Account is 50 c.u. (units).

Top manager – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares.. 7% of personal sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares.. 5% of personal sale on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares.. 4% of personal sale on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares.. From 2,5 to 3% of sale on the 5th level and more in money and from 1,25 to 1,5% in shares.Need to invest 3500 units

Adviser to the President – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares.. 7% of personal sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares.. 5% of personal sale on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares.. 4% of personal sale on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares ..From 3 to 3,5% of sale on the 5th level and more in money and from 1,5 to 1,75% in shares.Need to invest 8000 units. The minimum sum of a withdraw from a Bonus Account is 50 c.u. (units).

President – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares.. 7% of personal sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares.. 5% of personal sale on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares.. 4% of personal sale on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares.. From 3,5 to 4% of sale on the 5th level and more in money and from 1,75 to 2% in shares.Need to invest 26000 units. The minimum sum of a withdraw from a Bonus Account is 50 c.u. (units).


Conclusion – Recap

Crucial information on the MLM compensation plan is missing.We have to wait for the translation.But how can we proceed with an investment without knowing what to expect?
I feel that the “Time is Not Right” to invest in SkyWay Technology, at least not yet.
The project is in the development stages, 2 years passed and still, they are building the construction.When will the transport services be available to the public?
The domain of SkyWay Invest (1 of 3 websites) expires in less than a month.Let’s see what happens with that.
The letter of the Bank of Lithuania generates questions for the owners and the legitimacy of the company in general.
I could not verify the official acknowledge of the Ministry of Russian Transport Federation that the SkyWay technology is innovative as they claim.
They underline that over 100,000 people have completed a SkyWay training but there is no information on the education classes whatsoever.
I will repeat their slogan here …“Investing in new transport technology even small funds, you will get the investment increased by 1000% or more in 3-5 years.”….how can they be sure for such a statement?…The construction is not finished yet when this company is supposed to start making sales?..and what about other economical factors that can’t be calculated or measured/predicted?
They say that you get an up to 500 times discount on the nominal value of shares.And when the company enters the global market our investments will skyrocket in profits.
How can they compensate their investors when the project is not ready yet?…are they going to use new investments/funds to pay off existing affiliates?

There are more things to consider before joining
The total cost of this construction must worth millions of dollars.When this company will start making profits?…The time when retail sales take place?…How they plan to cover the initial costs when the Fares of this transport system are Low compared to the existing technologies?…How many years does this company need to Break Even?

…are they going to sell the SkyWay technology that is worth $400 billions?…why they don’t do that now and get the funds they need?…If the SkyWay group at the final stage is a transportation company offering services to the public the operating and other costs (employers, engineers, managers, drivers, supplies, fuels, offices … just to name a few) are Huge…The Low Transport Fares will cover all of that?

I would wait, just to be sure…If SkyWay is a company that came to stay there is no need to rush things.


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