in #skyway7 years ago


SkyWay the new generation of transportation .png

SkyWay is a project, which unites over 320 technical specialists and experts in the area of transport innovations. We offer a fundamentally new approach to organization of passenger and cargo transportation. According to it, transport is an effective means of transportation and not a source of danger for every person and humanity on the whole.

SkyWay video presentation | SkyWay Technology

SAFETY - Due to its technical features, SkyWay transport system minimizes all causes of accidents typical of conventional transport. SkyWay overpass is resistant to rains, heavy snowfalls, dust storms, tsunamis, glaciation, acts of terrorism and vandalism. Track structure location above the ground surface, availability of the rail track and unibus anti-derailment system eliminate any possible collisions of SkyWay rolling stock.


HIGH SPEED - SkyWay transport system is intended for inter-city passenger transportation for long distances at a speed of 500 km/h. SkyWay overpass is designed with the possibility of combining multichannel communication lines, electric power lines, as well as solar panels and wind turbine generators with it. SkyWay will become an effective, safe and eco-friendly transport and communication network used for passenger, cargo, energy and information transfer.


ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLESS - ransport complexes SkyWay are characterized by low resource and energy consumption at all stages of transport system life cycle. Elevated track SkyWay does not disturb the terrain, biogeocoenosis and biodiversity of adjacent territories, does not destroy fertile soil and growing vegetation.


LOW COST - SkyWay tracks can take the world network of transport communications to the whole new level. Cargo tracks SkyWay will provide cheap access to mineral deposits located high in the mountains, in a tundra, in a shelf area of the Arctic Ocean, deep in vast deserts and on continents, which are inaccessible at present. SkyWay track structure located above the ground has low material consumption and, consequently, low resource consumption for its construction.


COMFORT - High smoothness and rigidity of the track, soft suspension and a low level of noise when moving, insignificant acceleration and braking rate of the rolling stock, absence of traffic jams, crossroads, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, availability of automated control system, as well as minimized waiting and travel time – all these factors ensure the highest comfort levels of SkyWay passenger transportation.


Design engineering company and demo center

A team of over 320 highly qualified specialists is involved in project implementation. The structure of the design engineering company includes a certification and demonstration center (EcoTechnoPark), 15 design bureaus, a physical and chemical laboratory, in-house pilot and experimental production and management departments. The construction of SkyWay test tracks is ongoing on the territory of 36 ha. All engineering solutions undergo comprehensive practical testing and certification required to introduce the technology to the global market of transport services.



Everyone can Become a Participant of SkyWay Project

The Project is implemented with the help of ordinary people – future consumers of the innovative transport product. You can participate in EcoTechnoPark creation, as well! Thanks to your support, it will become possible to demonstrate and certify track sections and rolling stock for high-speed, urban and passenger transport created under SkyWay technology in EcoTechnoPark. Launching the effective technology on the world market will increase the Company value, as well as the return on investment.




SkyWay - revolution in transport and infrastructure industry.
SkyWay - best investment in the world now for everyone.
SkyWay - mlm paradise and best project for networkmarketing
SkyWay - transport which everyone waits and wants.
SkyWay - escape from economical crisis for every country.
SkyWay - new possibilities for everyone.
SkyWay - chance to receive now assets of great corporation and become coowner of SkyWay technology.

Are you ready to change your life completely? ⠀⠀

If yes, just write in comments : yes! After that i will communicate with you and give you instructions.

More than 721 000 registered people all over the world believe now in SkyWay and over 400 000 already are co-owner of this great project!

🌠 Register here:
You can find a more detailed information on the project, as well as take part in its implementation at the website of the SkyWay Group of Companies. Click "registration" and fill up fields.

The registration does not represent the purchase of shares, but helps to inform about the development of the project.

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