
Upvoted the insanity

yeah its pretty crazy !

This is going to be insane! Hitting that mark from that distance will be nearly impossible!

yeah, its amazing he did that!!!
i am so excited about people even coming up with something that crazy...

You have go to be shitting me!!! lol awesome jump, nuts, but awesome!

yeah... how crazy do you have to be to try something like this...

Its truly insane man. He got some great guts!

This mofo wearing skate shoes, hahaha!

could you see which brand?

Looks like they might be low top Supras, but they could be Airwalkers. Skate shoes all look so similar at a distance.

yep , true !

HOLEEE SH*** What possesses people to do things like that? I watch. I feel my heart pumping...but am I actually waiting for a great landing or a SPLAT so I can call him a dumbass? i don't know!

haha, yeah i watched and i am like waiting for him to miss it. but he really makes the landing. its insane.


thanks ! this is insane ! i could never imagine doing something like this.
any paragliders here? how hard is the task? to hit the net and be on your back?