My face is like a horror story now... few days ago I tryed a new chacoal face mask... and yesterday I felt my face ichy.
LOOK AT THIS FUCKING FACEEE 😩 like a second varicela. WTF
So, now I’m putting a antibiotic cream... 😩
I hope that tomorrow it will look a little better.
I’m a 27 year teenager 😂😂😂
you will never use it again
Nope, never ever 😂
The masks can be dangerous. My daughter had a face rash for days afterwards. Read the ingredients.
Yes, Now I only will do natural masks to put on my face... thanks, I will read the ingredients to see what kind of sh** can do this on my skin 😩
Come back to the teenager ages! Very good!
Genial... encara que jo mai avans havia tingut la cara aixà 😩 quin fuckin’ desastre