Some drawing and an update
Sorry I haven’t been around much, please don’t mistake my absence for not giving a care. I can’t describe how bad things were for many years and I find I’m completely overwhelmed as I slowly hack my way out of life’s many thorns. Generally speaking, I feel it was the right decision to quit Twitter and Discord to focus on my new full time job. I’ve thought about starting up personal accounts, but just haven’t really done much in that area.Since we last spoke, I got a new dog, unintentionally got a bunch of outdoor cats, bought a home and land with a FREE mule and watched my business rot under the iron hand of tyrannical, fear driven lockdowns. If not for my career shift, my life would be completely up-ended…
I really hate goats:
So anyway - an honest update…
I feel as though life is very fragile and the whole world could unravel soon, but for now I’m ok, regardless of struggles to catch up to where I need to be. I’m dealing with some scumbag lawyers trying to access money that’s rightfully mine. My life is low key under threat due to living near a complete psychopath. But I can handle myself bro. May be time to get a huge dog to patrol my lands at night though… When each seconds count, the police are minutes away.Back to sketch mode

In conclusion
Thanks for even reading this. I haven’t dropped in since January and it seems like a complete fluke that I’m even posting now… Between work, studies, homesteading and unattainable plans to do a new thang on social media one day, I simply don’t have time…Take care.
Glad you're still alive, babyboi.
Not if the nut job next door has his way lolz. How do you deal with nutty neighbors? Take care, guy!
I deal with it by having a CCW personally and just being aware of my surrounding and staying far away from those people as much as possible. Good luck to you either way though bro, lol.
I'm thinking that this situation is nothing a Russian attack dog and a pair of Gatlings can't solve. Good idea to CCW because it's bonkers out there.
Miss you Overkillcoin. Where the heck you go?
drop a dm or something
Where the hell you been?
Hi double-M, mostly damage control, trying to get my life in order after being hit with several bad years, Working full time for a big tech company as well as being pushed into learning different software, so it's often overwhelming. Hope all's well with you.
Life is never simple, most of it is auto pilot, and when the auto pilot is hacked, life gets real interesting.
Yup. Maybe the mess I got myself into will be THE thing that springs me into needed action... I;ve been busier than EVER lately :O
While the world has gone insane you might be the most sane person in it deleting social media which at this point seems to be a driving factor in people turning crazy.
Glad you are moving forward the best you can in life.
As far as crazy neighbors and dealing with them all I got to say is a fence is about as good as you can do. Sometimes it’s just best to ignore and move forward. I rarely talk with any of mine and I’d like it to stay that way lol.
It's going to have to be one heck of a fence, that dang dirty ape came right up to my windows... Maybe put a huge dog inside the future fence... :O
Between more secure income and less social, I don't haVe the same icky feels that I had in previous years... ! Surely though, I wish I could get a video series going again.
Hope all's well!
That all sounds intense. Hope you're able to sort through the things!
The lawyers finally got back to me yesterday so I should have funding to fix the house and secure the property better, so that's a plus - thanks for dropping in!
That's amazing news! Such a relief!
Yup! The land and location have been great, but who needs a crumbling old house? Time to fix this pig-pen up! :D
Hi and Welcome back.
Sorry to hear about your year! I know so many people who have had their life rugged by politics that have little to do with fighting a disease.
As an artist you are re-entering during a time where NFTs and art are thriving, I hope you can capitalize on this some how.
Anyway, yeah goats are assholes, but adorable.
Low-class hicks next door let their goats graze on everyone else’s land and ignored repeated requests to reign them in… Hence the concept. They can do a lot of incremental damage, like killing fruit trees… Fortunately a call to animal control got rid of them!
I don’t really want to think about the scamdemic for the most part - This year, my business is making 20% of my 2016 peak. If not for my employment, I’d be in a tent somewheres. Hopefully a luxury tent.
I keep telling @steemitadventure to NFT and that kid won’t even listen. It’s like technology frightens him, I dunno. Definitely something to think about though.
Lawyers finally came through after 4 months, so at least the house should be up to par soon with the extra funds. “Soda blasting” isn’t going to be as fun as it sounds, though.
Welcome back! I couldn't help but notice you in my feed once, again.
Seems like you've been going through some serious changes. Same here.
Wishing you all the best and am looking forward to your future content!
Amigo que gusto y alegría siento al saber qué está de regreso lo extrañe mucho y pedía por su salud este mundo cada día más corrupto me alegro mucho de verdad al saber de usted espero resuelva sus situaciones muchas bendiciones y un fuerte abrazo desde Venezuela
Gracias por visitar mi post y espero los mejores deseos para ti... He estado más ocupado que nunca en toda mi vida, teniendo una pequeña granja y tantos estudios. Así que es por eso que no publico más... Que dios te bendiga
amen querido amigo, yo aqui tambien haciendo lo poco que puedo ya que no tengo internet y debo ir todos los dias donde mi hija a publicar algo, espero que logre lo deseado y trate de ir con calma, la vida nos ha gol´peado duro duro pero bueno Dios es amor, yo a veces lloro al ver que a veces no tengo nada, mi casa un desastre este gobierno nos puso como los propios perrros amigo, duele decirlo pero es asi perdi todo y sin poder remediar, tambien buscando dia y noxhe conseguir algo, pense que mis ultimos años eran los mejores y tremenda equivocacion querido amigo, pero pa lante que todo pasara, un abrazo y lluvia de bendiciones para usted y la familia
saludos amigo que logre todo lo que desea pero eso es sacrificio pero si vale la pena no importa, un abrazo y cuidese mucho,siempre esta en mis recuerdos