Hi, I'm new here, still learning the ropes and have some pertinent questions...

in #sjw8 years ago


First and foremost,
Not a bot

A colleague of mine told me about steemit, and made me curious about the platform.
Still trying to figure out more about it, but for now, it is pretty interesting.
What I find oddly curious, it steemit's freedom of speech policies.
Meaning, are they supporters of freedom of speech, or, twitter clones.
And of the community as well, like, if I say "all lives matter" would it be racist?
According to Twitter, and BLM, IT IS.
Still trying to wrap my head around that argument, and if anyone could enlighten me as to how saying "all lives matter" is racist, but saying "black lives matter" is somehow... not.
If you, take into consideration what happened to Milo Yiannopoulos, having his Twitter account banned, because he wrote a bad review about the top contender for the worst movie of the year, Ghostbusters.
And also criticizing Leslie Jones, whom after having no valid reply to his critiques, complained to Twitter, and had him removed. Not only that, but they had his tweets deleted so that people could not see what got him banned, and Twitter would have not reason to show the "proof". Of course they are a private company, and can ban whatever they want. But stating that he incited his follower to attack another Twitter user, is just plain idiotic. Lesliee Jones does that, freely admits to it, on Twitter and on National Television, yet she is not banned.

uber rant part incoming
You ban you free thinking users to keep your buzzword shouting idiots.
I'm not even sure how to quantify this, you ban Milo for criticizing an awful movie, and one of the people who played in it, you ban people who criticize feminists for saying things like #killallwhitemen, drinking your #maletears, you ban people who dare question the actions of the terrorist group that is Black Lives Matter while they kill policemen, and dance in front of the officers yelling "What do we want? Dead cops! When do you want it? Now!"
Hell, you even let ISIS on your platform! The only reason you closed some of the ISIS related accounts was because you were SUED by a woman whom your platform helped her husband get killed. Yet again, you ban Milo, for saying something not nice about a movie and one of its performers...
Nice job twitter, no wonder your stocks are plummeting!
WikiLeaks said that they could have a platform similar, to which I say, where can I sign up?

*uber rant part ended.

At this stage, I reach the core of the question, is steemit a hypocritical network, or is it run by hypocrites?
The examples a gave above are much more lengthy and if people like I can elaborate on them in future posts.
What you your opinions on steemit? About both steemit, and the subjects I summarized above.

*Disclaimer, I had to re-do my post because the original one got messed up because of tags, and got thrown in to an other category, for fair use,if an admin see my old post, please remove it, I tried looking for a delete post button, but could not find one. *


I upvoted You

I see that you have an accidental double post. Kindly redact the other and let one of your introduction posts ride the steemit wave. :) Cheers!

Hi @firepower, yes, but I did not find e remove button, so I do not know exactly how to proceed, I think I can edit the post and leave it blank, but not sure how right is to do that.

Just edit the other post and put redacted or deleted in the content area and title. That should be enough.

Hi, and welcome. I just want to make one quick clarification, there is a difference between the Steem network/blockchain, and steemit.com. It is practically impossible to ban or censor anyone from posting absolutely anything on the Steem network. Steemit.com is one user interface for interacting with the Steem blockchain. It is run by Steemit, Inc. which is a US based company and therefore could be forced to comply with censorship requests from the US government for example. However, there are and will be many more other applications for interacting with the Steem blockchain, thus it is technically very difficult to actually block or censor anyone.

Hi, thank you for that, you are indeed correct, however, I do wish, that it does not reach Twitter level censorship...

The thing about "racist" you must realize is that it is not just an adjective, but a word that has been weaponized. It is used as a weapon to attack people who disagree. It is primarily employed by leftists against people who do not see things their way.

50 years ago, "racist" did not have much power, but over the decades it became more potent as "political correctness" became incorporated into people's thinking. Currently, it is used indiscriminately to attack others. For example, spitting on the sidewalk makes you "racist" or voting Republican makes you a "racist". Young people have difficulty with "racist" because it has been burned into them and they never experienced how it was before the word became weaponized.

Exactly my point, thank you, what I find oddly interesting, is that from what I have seen over the internet, most people are still sane. Most people with my/your point of view, however, they cannot voice this, because of the risk implied by disagreeing with the regressive left establishment , losing your job, being labeled a racis, sex ofender or other leftist buzzwords.