in #sisters7 years ago



Do you ever experience fighting for your sister? Do you ever feel the chills in your bone when someone is bothering and oppressing your sister or any of your siblings? How do you feel about that? What is the first thing that comes to your mind?

I myself was feeling annoyed and right now, if only I can confront all those bitches stabbing mg sister's back, definitely they'll get a hard punch on their faces. But since my sister in living in Dubai, at the moment I can't do anything for her. I feel so bad when those she thought "a true friends", and those she trust so well are the same people mocking her. For you to understand the story, I'll give you some details.

My sister and four of her room mates been living in one room for a couple of years. Recently, since the succession of holidays continued until January, her room mates have been drinking inside their room to celebrate. Unfortunately, my sister isn't a fan of alcohol so she end up sleeping instead. As she understood the reason why they keep on drinking everyday and though she suffered for not getting a good sleep since they've been drinking until morning, she did not complaint. One day, another occasion came, this time its her room mate's birthday. It's in the second day of the week and they celebrate it by drinking until morning. After a few hours of chatting with them, my sister went to sleep. Again, she didn't get a good sleep because of their loud voices, screaming and laughing. The next morning, my sister personally message them explaining the situation she's experiencing for several weeks. She mentioned if they can just drink in the kitchen instead of their room because she's been suffering for lack of sleep and it affects her work already. Unfortunately, her room mates took it in a bad way which cause a commotion. Now, they've been avoiding my sister, making her feel guilty. At the end, she looks like she's the villain in the group.

Question, is my sister took the wrong move? Is it not right that she tells what's her opinion? Isn't her right to complaint since they are all living in the same room? Is she really a villain?

Now I feel so sad for my sister. I guess it will end up like she'll be transferring to a new house. What the hell? Just because my sister can't tolerate their habits doesn't mean she's a kill joy? Where's their limit? What a shallow minded!

It only reflects that they are all plastic people. All bunch of fake people. What they showed for each other wasn't true. All lies and pretensions. I really wish my sister will find another job here in Abu Dhabi, so she'll just stay with me. I wish she can find another place where it is quite and peaceful. Where all people are true and honest.

I really wish all the best for my sister. I will fight for you my dear ate! Just let me know so I can go ^_^

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