Introduction to VeeDeshNee

in #singer7 years ago

My Name is VeeDeshNee. I am a Singer/Songwriter from Johannesburg, South Africa!

To date I’ve written over 100 songs but released only one! My first single “Do It” was released in March 2017. Do It is about staying true to your dreams and being positive. The song talks about how many things are possible if you put your mind to it, how letting what other people think of you wastes time to catch the dream train and how when you look at something in a better light, it changes everything. The song also enforces a theme of Freedom and standing up for one’s rights. I’m a big and strong believer in Freedom and Human Rights and quite an activist around this. The lyrics of “Do It” lay on a bed of country/folk sounds that are directed by the vocals and an in between beat for swaying I suppose, giving it a slight quirky, Indie pop style. The song is playful with a powerful message.
DoIt - VeeV3.jpg

I have a good few songs coming out this year though, in particular look out for a song called “How did it get so foul”. I will explain more about the song closer to the time of release for it has its own story and message.

Apart from music, I enjoy great company and engaging with people, a lot. I find so much pleasure talking to interesting people and getting to understand who they are and why they think the way they do. While on the topic of people, I suppose this would be a good time to let you know that I also have a day job, I am in Human Resources, a very people orientated job which I truly love. The studying towards my HR Degree wasn't all that fun let me tell you, but the practical engagement, negotiation, conflict handling and interesting stories are all too fascinating to me. Its no secret that the many things I’ve done and want to do has been inspired from the things I see people do and how they motivate me. This is one of the reasons I love travel so much, it opens your mind so wide and fills it with all sorts of ideas adding to your bucket list more and more. At this point, I want to do so many things and go to too many places, I don't think a human lifetime is enough!

Not only do I take from people, I also am very excited to give. I’m quite sure this is not an ego thing, I sincerely feel drawn to developing other people, motivating them and helping others find and groom their worth. For these reasons and the fascination and enjoyment of it, I founded the “Words for Change” movement. Its a picture blogging exercise used to lay down thoughts around words and pictures that have inspired me or people that have made me feel specific emotions. We are all so similar, despite the barriers of race, colour, personality, language, exterior looks etc, Human Beings go through similar emotions and experiences and we can all learn from each other. If I can help or heal even one person from my messages then I am happy for it has been many people that have helped and healed me.

I also enjoy modelling, I’ve never really been one for the camera, but of late I have been asked to do a few Modelling shoots and I cant say I’m unhappy. One really amazing shoot that I love to talk about was for Top Vintage. Well mostly because it was for a Vintage store and I am a Vintage Fashion Queen, I will have to write another blog to share all of that with you haha. When I visited Texas in 2016 I met a now very good friend who asked if I could do a shoot for the store, I was quite surprised as to why they would ask me, but I think it had way too much to do with the way I dress. Needless to say, I was over the moon. What a day!!

My branding obviously has a vintage feel to it too, but I’ve also added the feel of Indian and African. I termed my brand "AfrIndian Vintage" how do you like that?! The brand encompasses the lotus flower that is a known symbol in many cultures but also strongly within the Indian Culture. The African symbols of faith, good fortune and truth amongst others were all selected because they are what I believe in and what will move me forward. I also neatly tucked in words like, patience, freedom, people, and courage, with its own meanings to my life of course. More about this another time though.
vee brand.jpg

Right now I’m working on getting “How did it get so foul” out to stores and working on the music video. I have some other songs lined up that I’ve been recording so they will be out later this year with their own music videos. Oh yes, how could I forget, I am also working on a book entitled “The Road to SXSW” its a guidebook to assist new artists, managers and music associates to get to the South By South West, a music, tech and film festival in Texas. I would love it if you could comment on my cover, my co-writer and I cannot seem to agree on which would be the best cover to go with. Would you kindly also tell me why you chose the cover, if you don't mind and Thank You in advance!
sxsw cover.jpg

I’m real excited to be part of the Steemit Community. I love to tell stories and I have so much to say so its great that theres no word count haha!

Let me leave you with a little quote I wrote, until next time!

The continuation of motion in the right direction will lead you to places you never knew existed and will let your eyes catch sight of images from the unknown. If you want it, go after it, do the work, believe, stand up for your rights, be whoever you want to be........go on..............DO IT.


Very Excellent post!

Followed! :-)

Sorry I saw this posting too late to Upvote!

I'm glad you liked it, I worked days on it haha