When Governments becomes the Mafia or the Mob.

in #singapore6 years ago

Today's Topic: When Governments becomes the Mafia or the Mob.

Increasingly in the world, many strong & powerful governments had fallen, those outright corrupt, legally corrupt or even quietly corrupt, as people had enough of their BS, where politicians in power enriched themselves at the expense of their nation and people, thinking their populace are mainly dumb and stupid.

They make themselves Emperor, declared or not, surround themselves with Military Generals, mainly to protect themselves than the nation or people, while having a good time with hordes of Eunuch mainly to lick their balls and polish their boots.

Laws are increasingly written to protect the Elites and the Powerful, while Nepotism are disguised as talent recruitment into their own sacred stable, only for themselves and their cronies.

Meritocracy are thrown out of the table and handsome rewards are given to those whom are experts in curry favor or carrying balls.

In recent times year 2015, America broke the tradition first with the unexpected win by Trump, a successful businessman than politician.

Malaysia elections was unexpectedly won by Dr. M, making world history of 93 year old Prime Minister twice, after the people was fed up of rising costs of living and corruption getting out of control.

Two weeks ago, Pakistan's ruling party was thrown off, and a new President was elected.

The role of governments, elected or not, legal or not, are to work for the people and their nations, and not to overly indulged in their quest to be the unique supreme being designation by Heaven.

Karma has their own ways of getting even. Either it takes you directly or inflict upon those you loved.

As the Emperor, self-proclaimed or installed, you have the responsibility for your nation and people, as mandate by Heaven.

Or you shall fall, like many of those in History.

Don't think the people are stupid. Once they have enough, the middle finger will be pointed and you shall fall especially the time when you think you are invincible.

Traditionally the Mafia or Mob wears Black color as a symbol of their loyalty to their Godfather.

These days, they can wear any color and even White color cannot hide your dirty deeds.

Thank you.

David Lim. Revelations. 19 August 2018.