Take Back !! – Lyrics by David Lim / Music by the Beatles

in #singapore6 years ago

Take Back !! – Lyrics by David Lim / Music by the Beatles

Either Out of pure Boredom or extremely high level of Creativity today, I have written this Song - Take Back !!. using the music of the Beatles song - Get Back

Anyone want to rent this song for the next general election 2019-2020 are welcomed !!

This song tells the story of Ah Kow, a Merdeka Generation Singaporean (1950 - 1959), whom works his whole life to buy a HDB, discovered he is just a tenant and also never get his CPF back at 55 years old and also lost his job to a foreign talent.

Take Back (Get Back) – Lyrics by David Lim / Music by the Beatles

1st verse

Ah Kow was from Merdeka generation, works his whole life pay his HDB.
He was promised CPF at 55, but they did not give it back to him.
Then he discovered he was a Tenant, although they said he is owner.


Take Back, Take Back
Take Back Singapore!

2nd verse

Ah Kow is a Singaporean, but he feels it’s no more Singapore.
Everywhere he goes now, he is asked he Singaporean, but he is Singapore.
Then he discovered so many foreigners, that he is mistaken.


Take Back, Take Back
Take Back Singapore!

3rd verse

Ah Kow buys a coffee, but the price has gone up again.
Then his wife asked for more allowance, saying cosmetics has gone up too.
The he discovered his salary and job, has gone to a foreigner.


Take Back, Take Back
Take Back Singapore!

Final Chorus

Take Back Take Back
Take Back Singapore!
This is Singapore, not Chinapore nor Indiapore.

Enjoy !!

Thank you.

Note: Share this if you want others to enjoy as well.

David Lim. 10. September 2018

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