Great point! It’s almost like there’s something about consciousness which requires purposes becuase conscious beings have the ability to end themselves. With that key, it makes sense for the genes to select for those who have belief outside of themselves to continue procreating and spreading.
I’m reminded of the octopus when thinking about different forms of consciousness. It’s almaot an alien life form. How much more different could other truly alien consciousnesses be?
I do think we have a bias, but as you said, I also think the arguments do make sense. Since humans probably will create simulations of other humans, then the existence of other forms of consciousness become largely irrelevant, as long as humans continue surviving long enough to pull it off.
Yes totally agreed. The gene has to "know" that we need some extra pinch of motivation to not end our lives - otherwise we would be massively doing it.
Interesting! My best friend is a biologist so I’m gonna ask him about octopuses, cuz I can’t really follow your though processes with my limited knowledge here:D.
Anyway you are right that if humans ever reach a state where they’ll be able to create a matrix like reality they will do it. And maybe it has already happened:P. It would be a strong argument against the "there are no ancient relics that would indicate that there has been a developed human society before ours". Why would they program ancient relics into the matrix if they just wanted to test us right:)? Thus said I would change the Elon’s statement to something like (if I wanted to fully agree with it.
"When humans reach a state where they can pull off the creation of matrix-like, they would do it and it has possibly already happened.”