I have also been thinking about the simulation theory a lot this past few months.
The fact Musk believes we are in a simulation, and the BoA released a report giving high % to this, increases the legitimacy of this hypothesis.
I am not sure if studying morality and AI will improve our lives, but either way, they are 2 important subjects that we need to understand in order to move forward with our technological innovations, whether we are a simulation or not.
Yes, Bank of America http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/bank-of-america-the-matrix-50-per-cent-virtual-reality-elon-musk-nick-bostrom-a7287471.html
Not a fan of banks, myself. Sounds like they were just quoting Musk and Bostrom anyway. Interesting that they would put this out there, but I guess it relates to VR.
For what it's worth people that work at Bank of America immediately corrected me when I called them BOA in a client meeting. They prefer BofA or BAC (Bank of America Corporation) which is also their ticker symbol.