Currently, I think much of that is ridiculous.
All of that is :P If 'naming and claiming' were true, natural selection would've figured it out by now, and we'd be hardwired to do it. NS figured out much more complicated things, I think the Secret isn't beyond her capabilities; we definitely wouldn't need a book to tell us that it's true.
As for simulations, I guess anything could be the case. A very faithful equivalent of Christianity could be running, in that there could be 2 levels (life and afterlife), and the value could be "don't reward people who do X, to see if they'll still do X despite the lack of reward, and if they keep at it to the end, reward them with a good place in level 2 (afterlife), where they'll be allowed to do the work to their heart's content". Or something.
I wasn't aware of that youtube channel, thanks for sharing it, I've subscribed!