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RE: Escaping The Matrix - Should We Even Care?

Hahaha, any Rick & Morty reference I can get in, no matter how oblique; I'm happy! :-)

Yeah, I also used to think that life is a huge experiment, I still do; just not so sure, someone is actually behind this experiment.



best show on tv by far :)

Yeah personally I follow the belief that humans are at this moment in time unable to even begin to comprehend 'the meaning of life' as it were, but we'll damn give it go XD

I long for a Rick n MortyOverse, just imagine the fun we'd have! Although I'd want it to be like Iain M. Banks's The Culture.

I want mind back ups, so that I can go off to these dangerous places, and of course live for several centuries, possibly millennia.

I feel like we're so close to a technological nirvana, I'm just hoping I'm alive when it happens. :-)


Advances in technology do seem to be speeding up. How long do you think it will be until you can store your mind on the blockchain? XD

I also feel that we're going to continue to evolve as a species due to the huge change in our environments. Mostly in mental capabilities, but that may result in physical evolution too, Like bigger heads to store our massive brains etc...

They are indeed! I'm not sure how far we are from brain storage, as that needs to be so perfect for it to be useful to us.

I believe memory storage is less than 2 decades away. In fact, I remember watching a science program about 10 years ago. A neurosurgeon and an ex-Intel employee, had got together, and made a chip for a person with anti-retrograde amnesia.

That is a type of amnesia, whereby your memories are in tact, up until the accident, however you can't form new memories. Made famous by the Guy Pearce lol, I've forgotten the title!

Anyways, they made this chip for this guy who had that type of amnesia, and after having it inserted in his head; voila! He could remember again. So in my mind, it can't be long before there is a way to store long term, and more complex memories.

That surely will be the forerunner, to storing our entire mindstate. 2022 will be an important year, as it will be the year that Moore's law reaches it's limit. At that point you will only be able to fit about 22 lithium atoms, in the gap of an average transistor.

Hence, quantum computing will truly be born, as we use the uncertainty principle, to program, for the first time ever.

I think physical evolution, will, and is happening, however it happens at such a glacially slow pace, that we don't notice it. That's why we invented technology! :-D
