Ships on Coins

It's not a mistake. I'm not really going to write about coins on ships, but ships on coins.

A couple of days ago @kerrislravenhill posted his Dutch coin featuring ships. I realized that I too have coins in my coin pile that depict a ship. And I haven't written about these coins yet. Until now.

And it's also been a few days since I exchanged a few lines of text with @silversaver888. She, too, posts movie-themed coins. Specifically, Mr. Yoda from Star Wars.

We've written about how the former religious and state-promotional motifs are being replaced with mass culture motifs as tastes change. But we weren't quite right.

I've been collecting coins for almost 50 years. (That sounds better than half a century.) I also have some ancient Greek and Roman coins. And what is depicted on them? Among other things, often motifs from ancient Greek (and Roman) myths and legends.

Times and tastes are certainly changing. But people remain people. People love stories, epics. Are contemporary films more or less true than, say, Illias and the Odyssey?

But some of the old symbols on the coin remain. For example, the head of the monarch with the crown on his head. The British kingdom is unshakable. Oliver Cromwell managed to shake it, though. Who knows what fate awaits the British monarchy in the next few centuries.

I come to the second point. What are the ship types that are shown on my coins? My country is not by the sea and I am not a Pirates of the Caribbean movie connoisseur. The ships are only shown as silhouettes from one side. Silent Mary, The Impress, Queen Anne's Revenge.

The story is set in the late 17th or very early 18th century based on contemporary realities. The middle ship is a junk. What about the others? Schooners, brigs? I don't know.

Is there anyone here who can identify ship types better than I can?

Just so I don't forget. These are two dollar coins from Niue and weigh 1 ounce of silver.

I translated this article using The original version in Czech is below. Thank you for visiting here, or supporting my text with an upvote or otherwise, or commenting.

😀Lodě na mincích😀
To není chyba. Opravdu nebudu psát o mincích na lodích, ale o lodích na mincích.

Pře pár dny zveřejnila @kerrislravenhill svou holandskou minci se zobrazením lodí. Uvědomil jsem si, že i já mám ve své hromádce mincí mince, na kterých je vyobrazena loď. A o těchto mincích jsem ještě nepsal. Až teď.

A je to také pár dnů, co jsem si vyměnil několik řádek textu s @silversaver888. I ona zvěřejňovala mince, na kterých byly vyobrazeny filmové motivy. Mr.Yoda z hvězdných válek, abych byl konkrétní.

Psali jsme si o tom, jak dřívější motivy náboženské a státně propagační jsou nahrazovány motivy masové kultury, jak se mění vkus. Jenomže ona to nebyla tak úplně pravda.

Mince sbírám téměř 50 let. (To zní lépe než půl století.) Mám také několik starověkých řeckých a římských mincí. A co je na nich vyobrazeno? Mimo jiné často motivy ze starých řeckých (a římských) bájí a pověstí.

Doba a vkus se rozhodně mění. Ale lidé zůstávají lidmi. Lidé milují příběhy, eposy. Jsou současné filmy více či méně pravdivé než třeba Illias a Odyssea?

Některé staré symboly na minci však zůstaly. Například hlava panovníka s korunou na hlavě. Britské království je neotřesitelné. Oliveru Cromwellovi se však podařilo jím otřást. Kdo ví, jaký osud čeká britskou monarchii v příštích několika staletích.

Dostávám se k druhému bodu. Co to je za lodní typy, které jsou na mých mincích zobrazeny? Moje země neleží u moře a já nejsem znalec filmů Piráti z Karibiku. Lodě jsou zobrazeny jen jako siluety z jednoho boku. Silent Mary, The Impress, Queen Anne´s Revenge.

Děj se podle dobových reálií odehrává na konci 17. nebo na samém začátku 18.století. Prostřední loď je džunka. A co ty další? Škunery, brigy? Já nevím.

Je tu někdo, kdo dokáže poznat lodní typy lépe než já? Jen abych nezapomněl. Jsou to dvoudolarové mince z Niue a váží 1 unci stříbra.

Tento článek jsem přeložil pomocí Děkuji, že jste sem zavítali, případně podpořili můj text upvotem, komentářem, či nějak jinak.


You received an upvote of 100% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

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Oliver Cromwell could have ended it completely but didn't plan out his legacy properly before he died. His son wasn't a leader and shouldn't have been placed in charge, so they brought back the king's son. Poor planning on his part. But the British Army is still the new one that Cromwell started, Oliver's Army! The things you learn from Elvis Costello songs...

Many leaders have created spectacular projects but forgotten to prepare their successors. This was a fundamental mistake.

Alexander of Macedon had already conquered vast territories, but his empire died with his death. I could name many other names.

The greatness of man seems to lie in the fact that he realizes his mortality and bequeaths the continuation of his work to a suitable successor.

In the Roman Empire, for example, we speak of the time of adoptive emperors. During his lifetime, the emperor chose a suitable successor and prepared him to rule. It was a happy time for Rome.

A bad projection has these effects, that's why I already have my will ready, you have to think of everything, we are alive and obviously we will die, so it is better to keep this in mind, not leave the problem of our burial and others to others, we do not take anything, so making the distribution while alive is the most feasible.

I guess I'm missing the context a little bit.

You forgot about me……

I´m Sorry.

Only joking. Buy I am a huge collector of coins with ships on them.

I am also interested in ships, but newer ones, from about 1850. But I don't have any more coins with ship images.

That's some interesting coin history you’ve got there, @trautenberk! The British monarchy sure has had its ups and downs, and who knows what the future holds for them. Oliver Cromwell definitely made quite the splash!

As for your ships, you're in luck! The Silent Mary one's from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. It's a ghostly ship that can crush other ships—definitely spooky! The Queen Anne's Revenge was a real ship used by the infamous pirate Blackbeard. It's depicted as a grand, menacing ship with flamethrowers. Now The Impress: I’m not sure about this one, but since the third ship is identified as a junk, it’s probably an East Asian sailing ship common during that era. Kerris would know!

And don’t worry if you're not sailing the high seas every weekend; you've got us to help unravel these mysteries! 😄 !LOL

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Where do elephants hide?
They paint their toenails red and hide in strawberry patches!

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of silversaver888



@trautenberk, I sent you an

Thank you for your comprehensive answer!

This Pirates of the Caribbean is a fun series featuring the most well known pirate ships, I have the entire series but at closer inspection a bit disappointed to the quality of the designs. It's Disney's policy in cashing in on the Franchise name memorabilia without regard to collector level numismatic value and quality.

The Black Pearl is determined to be an East Indianmen considering it's high speed and armament mentioned in the movie.
The Flying Dutchman is considered a Dutch Galleon by those in the Fanbase, I'd tend to agree with that.


I'm quite interested in ships and especially warships, but only since the mid-19th century when ironclads appeared that were no longer powered by sail. I'm never sure about the older ones.
Thank you.


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