It's time to vote - calling ALL members, speak now and be heard.


COMMUNITY GUIDELINES as laid down during our conception, when a member wishes to raise some changes, its down to the community to vote and decide if this is the direction we want to head in.It's been a while, in fact I think this may be the first time as @ssg-community account operator, that I have called for a community vote on a matter raised by a member. You see, as one of the first true communities set up, and following the

One of the founder members, actually he was the brains behind and creator of the @ssg-community account, has asked the community to vote on a few issues - read his original post

To save you some time, although I do highly recommend reading his full post fir context, here are the 2 main proposed chsnges:

Policy #1 – Tag Qualification and Enforcement
The Tag used by members on STEEM and HIVE has always been a central part of how the community collates its content to promote precious metals and communicate publically. Tag Qualification is about setting up ssg-community to only vote on subscribing members posts which use the #SilverGoldStackers tag. The idea here is to focus the upvotes (and thus financial incentive) on content that is relevant to stacking precious metals and/or the community itself. The Tag Enforcement is about ensuring that only relevant content is posted to the tag. I’m proposing that people who post to the tag with content that is not about precious metals or this community would first have a couple of warnings and then have their ssg-community vote removed, or for repeat offences even be downvoted. This policy would ensure that ssg-community once again promotes and incentivises only the content relevant to the community it was intended to serve.

Policy #2 – Vote Allocation Accrual
In the beginning ssg-community gave out a daily vote to subscribers. Now I believe it is 7 votes in 7 days. It still requires (on average) a daily post for subscribers to get a good ROI. What I am proposing here is that instead of getting say a 10% vote every day, if you don’t post for 3 full days then your vote allocation accrues and you will get a 3 x 10% = 30% vote (capped at 100%). This won’t really affect hard core community members who post daily anyways, but some of the less active members will be able to get involved and receive value from subscribing to @ssg-community. Not everyone can write about precious metals or the community every day so this policy will allow a much more flexible post frequency for subscribers and it might help entice a few members back into the fold who we’ve lost over the last 2 years because life has gotten too busy to post daily. The content of those members is still valuable and has been missed.

It is also proposed that due to my lack of coding/computing skills, @buggedout has offered to help me out and run the technical side of the bot on my behalf. I will still be the first point of call for troubles with the @ssg-community account, I will still be "in charge" of day-to-day running and you can all still come directly to me if you have any problems. But for complete transparency, as community members, you still need to be informed of any back-room changes. This part won't effect you in any way, shape or form, it just means that the agreed account discount will be split between buggs and myself in a 50/50 split. A small fee of $5 (PCM) will be required to pay for the server the new account coding will be set up on as we will be migrating away from using #hive's own voting trail to incorporate the programing necessary to include (should you agree) the proposed changes above.


COMMENTS ARE WELCOME, BUT IT'S THE UPVOTES THAT COUNT AS VOTES.There will be 2 comments below this post which will be a simple “YES – I support this Proposal For Change” and “NO – I reject this Proposal For Change” and we ask you, the members of the #silvergoldstackers community to place a nominal vote on one of these comments to indicate your preference. Voting will be open for 72 hours (3 days) from the posting of this Proposal For Change.


I hope that this post makes sense and that as members you understand what is being asked of you? I'm always available for a chat, and can be contacted directly here in the comments or by simply sending me a DM on discord.

FOR FULL DISCLOSURE - I (welshstacker) fully support these proposed changes, so if this blog has come across in a bias way, please excuse me, I've tried to be as impartial as possible. I will fully support this community in what ever direction you guys want to take it, and as long as you will have me, I happily give my time to help this community grow and prosper.


YES – I support this Proposal For Change”

It's what I've been doing all along, I write around one good post each week rather than seven rushed error ridden crappy ones and the bot could benefit from my unused votes. And I'm okay with that. This proposed change would definitely benefit me.

How hard is it to post about precious metals using the proper tag? Use other tags if you really want to talk about your cat? Keep the tag focused and clean.

Sounds good to me. I imagine that if VP gets to 100% that ssg-community can just self-vote to preserve the voting power. Is that correct?

Yes, that can work but hopefully it won't come to that.

Sorry I've been away and haven't got my vote in until now. In full support.

Reasoning is:

Regarding tags, I know from having run the reading list (which unfortunately had to be shut down due to general Hive community disapproval although it served our members) that many people aren't using the tag properly. That makes it hard to find and read about what we're actually here to read about when curating that tag.

Regarding stacking votes, I'm in support for now but that may change after seeing it. I doubt it'll be abused as I got faith in the community members but who knows. I'd be for a reversal if it does get abused.

Further, if any support is needed for the servers/services, whether tech or monetary, I'm always willing to help out. That being said I'll be straight up with you, I don't and never will use any Hive Engine tokens. I don't know who uses or makes what token and I don't want to know. I'm a HIVE purist. So any funds from me will be in HIVE. Just say what and when.

Thanks GP. I'd be up for a reversal too if it gets abused. There's always someone who will push the boundaries but we plan to stay ahead of it and make more changes if we need to.

We're gearing up for a bit of a renewal and I'll be in touch if there is anything you can help with. It won't be long I'm sure! :)

voted, makes sense to me.

I am under the impression that some of us, love silver, but don't have enough to make silver posts frequently as we are young stakkers and as such, don't use the tag as often as others. I am also assuming that the vote will still go to the subscribers that don't post about silver every day as they are still members and for me, I post random shit. I like the accrual idea, as I typically average 5 posts a week. If I am understanding this all correctly then my vote is yes. Great idea.

Hey, I've posted about a silver coin I didn't have or own. Some Medieval coins are on my wish list and haven't been scratched off it yet. So I was creative.

The ability to "build up" a vote by not posting as frequent is true but only precious metals posts, using the hash tag #silvergoldstackers would get an upvote.

@welshstacker please: Does the vote follow the user or the tag?

If you're a member of the #silvergoldstackers community, and you post about precious metals, and you use the tag #silvergoldstackers, then the bot will upvote your post.

If you're NOT a member of the community, the bot will not upvote you regardless of what tag or post you use.

In essence, only members posts, using the correct tag, which is actually about PMs will get an upvote.

@welshstacker... you are saying that it is the combination of the tag used and the member-username and the content. How is it now that the bot votes on articles with only photos?

At the moment we use "" to upvote members added to a whitelist. This is hives own voting service and is relatively limited to what I can do with it. I can add a user name, I can add upvote %, and I can add upvote every 24hrs.

By havi g @buggedout help me out, by running it on a separate server, we can add our own unique coding which will allow the bot to be more specific.

So if the community agree to the proposed changes, then we can pretty much do anything with the bots voting ability - word count minimum, specific tag requirements, etc.....

“NO – I reject this Proposal For Change”

I am in favor of rewarding all posts including those of holidays, our gardens and kids of other members or the music they make. As for the tag please listen to silversaver who described twice how to ensure the posts are in the right community. (Or we must decide to use tag again but this is not the same as community in hive... i can nexplain once more if required as welshie apparantly also does not use this method) . I post in two communities without using tags - I select the community and make a post in it.

I think I have to say no to this as I think we all are a family together and support each other. We all love our precious Metals and most of us post about it as often as we can, but we also post other things that we are passionate about and I understand that a sublimesunday post about nature isn't right post to make in silvergoldstackers community hive... But we should still be able to use the silvergoldstackers tag? We are members and I use that tag and thealliance in all my posts as I am a proud member.
I still haven't got this all clear in my head but as I understand it... We only get votes on our silver posts and not on our other ones?

Right... I read bugged's post and the comments there and this post and the comments here and if I got it right basically any member who's has delegated to the community who's not blogging about silver will not be getting a vote from the @ssg-community.

Let me just begin by saying. I disappeared and didn't blog for ages while I was pregnant but I kept my delegation in for the community to use without any thought to my ROI because I simply wanted to support the community. I came back because of hive and didn't hesitate to come back because I thought SSG would have my back.

Current climate and everything considered I simply don't have the cash to buy silver just so I can post. I realise there's other ways to post about stacking other than buying but I'm more of an enthusiastic enthusiast rather than a hard core collector and do not have the knowledge to post anything else aside from recent purchases. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I, like engine, post random shit. And I do actually depend on the SSG community upvote. Sometimes I post every day, sometimes I don't, most of the time not SSG related.

If SSG stops voting the way it does now I will most probably remove my delegation or significantly decrease my delegation.

No I reject this proposal for change. I was so happy to be part of this stacking family. Yes I post about my precious metals....I have been stacking longer than most members here have been on this Earth. I also have other post, so do most members, and I believe we need to support each other with comments AND upvotes. Not a backhanded slap for someone for posting on another interest.
POINT number one:
No one took my request for a vote about comments on our members post to meet any of the "new rules", this is not acceptable!
POINT number two : A three day post and vote for a change, this is not acceptable! Most members will not see this vote due to the short term timeline of this post.

Keep it as, or remove the bot!

100% buddy.

Have a good day my friend!!

Of we do this way, I'll probably make a super sweet post about camping 🏕, treasure hunting, nature, etc... and a quick shitpost with a picture of a round. I think it may become a shitpost tag.

Didn't think of it like that, but very true.

Good point. This is what is likely to happen.

I have changed my vote to no because I also run a community and one of the requirements is simply delegation. We like it when people use the tag, but also do not segregate those that don't and it has never been a requirement to get the community vote. @bearone and I may not be besties, but we're in the same boat on this.

Edit: I want to stress the segregation. I see some comments about only using the front-end and community community community. Community is strongest when it is together, not divided by a bunch of other things like tags, tokens and front-ends. We took a major hit with the Steem/Hive separation in holding together across the board. This is one of my oldest and most loved communities because the only parameters were don't abuse the tag, post about precious metals sometimes and delegate. Once a week or so, I browse members' posts and have an onslaught of voting. I donate when and where I can and participate in raffles. I love that you've never judged what I post and always supported me because I followed the guidelines set. It is literally the oldest delegation I have in place going back over 2 years ago. I honestly don't use other front-ends because of that division I mentioned. I like to be able to find it all in one place and feel the competitive nature has further separated the Hive community with these 'hives'. Despite what some people claim, we are all here on Hive because of the return we get. Anyone that disputes that fact is full of horse shit. Makes me itchy.

@enginewitty you know... i was totes feeling the segregation this morning when i thought about it more.

And that itchy comment... 💯

Ps. ☮✌🕊🤗


Your edit is on-fucking-point @enginewitty!!

I VOTE NO!!!! Back when Hive came to be, we all had such trouble trying to find one another. I can remember many conversations with a couple of folks about how hard it was and did any of us have any suggestions. We were all constantly looking everywhere without any results! Then one day, we used the silvergoldstackers tag on a non metals post, and bang, everyone found us! Now the delegation that folks have should qualify them for a vote no matter what their post is about. Taking the delegation and holding it back because they post on a non metals topic is in essence taking what is truly, their due. They delegated it; the vote belongs to them. How can you justify withholding that vote? Anyone worth their weight knows that if you bring in new management, you don't make a bunch of changes right off the bat. That's immaturity. Kill the bot if you must do something.

I will vote no to proposal #1, but would support proposal #2.

I believe this is a strong, community of silver-gold enthusiasts, we all come together, contribute and engage in different ways (group buys, silver round giveaways, posting about our collection or donating to the raffles). We love our precious metals. I agree the tag #silvergoldstacker should be used for precious metal related posts. and i think there was an idea of #ssglife tag that was floated for other posts by members. But the bot should continue as is to vote on all posts of the community. I've been delegating to the bot for the 10 months or so that I've not been posting (initially 2.5k and reduced to 1k hp). I wasn't looking at returns but just a way to support my precious community.

I wish these two proposals were separated rather than combined. I am in complete favor of the second proposal for vote accrual.

The first proposal just seems draconian to me. We have good members within the Community who may not post on precious metals BUT sure do add value with comments. The first proposal essentially says that unless you post on precious metals you will not receive the benefits of the Community bot. Secondly, the vote will follow the # and not the member of the community which is a HUGE change. And as an added bonus for improper # usage there will be penalties. In the past I believe that we simply culled the roster when we thought that there were members who were misusing the Community.

It is apparent to me, that many members use the #silvergoldstackers for off topic posting BECAUSE that is the only way to let everyone in the Community to see their post, which is not really a bad thing and certainly not such an extreme violation. Of course IF everyone in the Community FOLLOWED all the members I guess there would not be anyone who felt it necessary to use #silvergoldstackers, since their posts would be in the Friends section. I think that this portion be discussed with greater deliberation.

Can we clarify the tag enforcement and "relevant content" before voting?

Great post. I've resteemed it. Can we call this Appendix A : Clarification and Examples of Relevant Content


Call it whatever you want, just don't call me late for the Lamingtons!

Ya know, we could just forgo this whole vote thing entirely by keeping the community bot as is. For the hardcore metals posters, create a totally different bot, could even use @myprecious as the account for the code. 🤔 Just a thought.

Makes sense to me.


I'm commenting here as a current no delegator but former Gold level delegator, so take my opinion with all the grains of salt you like.

First and foremost, you have two proposals on the table, therefor there should be a separate up/down vote on each of the two proposals. While they may intertwine, people could have a different opinion on each of the two ideas.

So, I read through the original post and skimmed the comments, and have read through the comments on this one as well. I am still a little confused about the use of the first policy. I understand the idea of keeping the silvergoldstacker tag clean (or at least as clean as possible) and I fully support that. However, I am going to assume that there are other people in the group that are in the same situation I was in when I was gold level. I don't stack enough or have enough silver to review to do a post about precious metals every day, or even every week sometimes. If a member is delegating at one of the optional levels, and posts something (correctly tagged) that does not pertain to precious metals, will they still receive their vote, or will they only get votes on precious metals posts?

While there is a certain amount of community support that goes in to delegating to this account, there is also an ROI expectation from the use of that Hive Power. If I was delegating 2500 HP to the community, but only posting precious metals related posts one a week, and posting personal stuff the rest of the week, how would my votes be cast?

If the votes for higher tier delegations are only on precious metals posts then some people may have to reevaluate their participation, which potentially hurts the value of the bot for everyone.

Chances are I am misunderstanding this point, but I think it is an important clarification.

On point number 2, I do not see anything in the posts or comments about how you can accrue the votes and still ensure that the bot's Voting Power stays in the range to ensure all members are getting vote value. The easiest way to demonstrate this is if a couple of Gold Tier members don't post for a couple of days, and then both post on the same day calling for 100% upvotes from the @ssg-community. Throw a couple of Silver and Copper members doing the same thing, on the same day, and suddenly the Voting Power drops below the preferred level, and people posting during the same 24 hour period are not getting the full expected value of their vote.

You guys are far smarter than me when it comes to this stuff, so I am sure you have done some of the math to ensure that accrued votes would not negatively impact the Voting Power percentage, but I feel like it needs to be mentioned in a way to assure members that there is a mechanism in place to protect their upvotes from unexpectedly low VP.

I'm trying to convince myself to be more active on Hive, though I still don't have much precious metals to post about, and I am super appreciative to have made it through the last culling of the member roles, so I will support the community decision. I just want to be made smarter by getting these things clarified.


I think this post does not clarify that your Vote does not count just by making a yes or no comment.
You need to upvote your decision, many are not understanding this.
Three day for all members to find this post that is already hard to find.... really?

I have discussed this with you, and made it public in my recent comments. Remember that I do not know how the program works.

  1. Instead of the TAGcommunity front end on hive.

    RATHER UPVOTE the articles using THIS ONE: THIS:

    #silvergoldstackers, the bot should upvote on the articles posted from our
  2. Only precious metal articles can be posted via our community frontend.
  3. COMMUNITY FRONTEND dedicted to precious metals: Silver Gold Stackes (JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER COMMUNITY HERE ON HIVE).
    (a) Article about Precious Metals: Go to COMMUNITIES > SILVER GOLD STACKERS > NEW POSTS

    (b) Non-Precious Metals articles: Go to COMMUNITIES>The community that is best suited for your subject matter or general communities like GEMS or OCD> NEW POST
    All other articles of members of this community that are NOT related to precious metals may use the #silvergoldstackers tag which is UNMODERATED BY THE ssg-community BOT. In the unmoderated #silvergoldstackers tag feed is where we will find all articles of whatever subject matter so we can get to know each other better, support each other, BECAUSE WE ARE A FAMILY, without having to worry about being downvoted by the bot. SGS-COMMUNITY, will not be voting on these articles. If one writes about precious metals, he/she should use the then you may use any tag you please including #silvergoldstackers. then you may use any tag you please including #silvergoldstackers.

English is my primary language. But I was raised in Hawaii. I don't know if you are understanding me, or NO ONE IS LISTENING TO ME.
WE ARE A COMMUNITY. Most of us are here not for the ROI. We need a place where we can share our non-metals articles with our stacker friends, and #silvergoldstackers tag is perfect for that.

  1. Point the ssg-community bot to vote only on articles that posted from the Silver Gold Stackers Community.
  2. Require that only precious metals articles may be posted from the frontened of Silver Gild Stackers Community. 3. Downvote anyone who posts non-precious metals from the Silver Gold Stackers Community frontend.
  3. Keep #silvergoldstackers tag available for anyone in the community and entire HIVE to use.

am reading your thoughts and listening.@silversaver888, I appreciate your passion and I sense your frustration and I

something to (in Beta testing for YEARS) they hastily, in my opinion, brought an untested feature called "communities" online without ANY information about how it might work. We were left to figure it out for ourselves and I can say I still don't get it.I understand that you value the "community" feature on Hive and that's great. I do not find this feature useful in the least. In my opinion it only serves to fragment the community. Remember before the dummies at steemit inc. started the community feature? I do. It was great. I could find most #steemsilvergold posts just by clicking that tag. What could be simpler? Then, under pressure to do

re-blogandIt makes no sense to me that I can post something and tag it #silvergoldstacers then I have to go it from my profile to get it into the SGS community feed. Ridiculous and unnecessary. I post all my metals posts from as they really have it together and I receive a second token for the exact same post. To me, posting from an interface that rewards with a native token on top of the HIVE token no-brainer all those posts from LeoFinance can be easily found on or because I always use the #silvergoldstackers tag.

I post all my metals posts from as they really have it together and I receive a second token for the exact same post. To me, posting from an interface that rewards with a native token on top of the HIVE token no-brainer and all those posts from LeoFinance can be easily found on or because I always use the #silvergoldstackers tag.
It is the same steps and effort you would do as when you post your articles from LEO. And I see now the true motivation. It is the additional vote or token that you get from LEO.

LEOFINANCE serves the same purpose as the SILVER GOLD STACKERS.
YOu want the extra incentive that you get by posting from their front end. And you get it from them without having to pay for via delegating HP or equivalent Hive.
SO why can't myprecious do the sane for us?

Precisely why I suggested that the ssg-community vote be pointed to the community Hive and not the tag, just the way Leo Finance does it. YOU WILL GET YOU UPVOTE FROM ssg-community only if you post from our community.
I use the Leofinance tag all my precious metals articles too, but I do not post precious metals articles from the community front-end of Leo Finance. You find it "Ridiculous and unnecessary" because you get the upvote by using the #silvergoldstackers tag anyway!

Wait... So you post your other posts not about silver in silvergoldstackers community?
Sorry I am just trying to understand 🙈

Yes, just like you currently do, @saffisara.

Are we talking about discord?
There I do post mine but I meant if you post your other posts with no Metals in the silvergoldstackers hive community?
Or only Metals and make your others posts in other hive communities?
So I do right

This makes the most sense to me.

Yay! I am finally making sense to some. 🥰🌺🤙

Thanks for putting this to vote Welshy and throwing your (considerable) weight behind it. It is my sincere hope not to cause trouble with this proposal but instead help the community move forward with a renewed enthusiasm for producing and consuming precious metals based content.

I'll have you know that my (considerable) weight is now 20lb's less than it was a few months ago.... 🤣😂

Nice. I wasn't referring to that sort of weight. I wouldn't do you like that mate.

I should have used the word stature - sometimes words and stuff is hard.

Nice backtrack there mate. Lol

You asked for comments on both your articles. But it appears that you never realy listened.

I listened, I responded and tried to explain my viewpoint. Your issue is that I did not come to agree with your viewpoint. I, and others, are allowed to have a different view.

In a perfect world I would like to see the community page being promoted and in better shape with more functionality. I am disappointed by the communities feature and a lot of members are choosing not to use it. This proposal is going to have a hard enough time getting over the line by getting people back to producing relevant content. If we tried to force them to use the community page front end too it'd have no chance. I want to take the small win.

I am a fence sitter, but will support either direction.

My interest in silver was sparked after seeing posts from this community and I'm happy to continue supporting with my small delegation regardless of ROI or anything else.

Due to the current worldwide situation, I've had my ability to stack somewhat curtailed. However, even in good times, I'm not particularly comfortable posting too much about purchases in cryptocurrency or precious metals.

That said, I'm more than happy to continue the the small delegation regardless of which direction is taken as a show of my support. My delegations to various projects here has never been driven by ROI or anything like that... Especially, as I see that as a flawed and short sighted metric!

Edit: this is my point winded way of saying that I'm following the debate, but not willing to commit either way at the moment!

Yes... cutting the membership list is extremely important.

Off topic dude. 😉

Whatever. The knights in shiny armor will save the day.

I took the time to get into the discussion about tag versus community. YOu are putting this into vote without consideration of the comments received.

As per the governance framework, the proposal had enough interest to trigger a vote. It's effectively like a members bill. I would encourage you to support this proposal and then make a follow up proposal to change the tag requirement from #silvergoldstackers to #hive-136819

If the members want this (and will vote for it) then I'd be happy to implement it. I do not believe enough members would want this at the moment, but they might in the future and it could be something that is worth working towards.

Ok just to make my comfused head clear.
I do post all my silver post in the silvergoldstackers hive community, but I only use the tag silvergoldstackers on my other posts that I post on my own blog... That ok? I don't post silver every Day but Mostly 2 Times a week but I love photography and garden so I do post about that to... So we get no votes on our other posts only our silver posts that are posted in silvergoldstackers community?

I vote no on this proposal

Hey Dave,

somewhere in the comments on this post there is a place to upvote for a no vote. Would you mind doing that so your comment here doesn’t get lost in the chatter and your vote is guaranteed being counted? You can slide the value of your vote down so you aren’t throwing $$ into it, but I want to make sure your vote is counted. Thank you. 🙂

I Play Steemmonsters way too much and so I think I will remain like Switzerland on this Issue (Neutral) but I will be lurking in the Background and Trust you will do What is BEST for Humanity........

I think you all could have given more time to vote!!!

In hindsight, we did not expect it to be this close and that's probably what has made the time a potential issue.

The last Proposal For Change held over 2 years ago had a 3 day voting window and there was no issues with it then. That proposals vote was used as a template for this one. You can see it HERE

Is it too late for me to