#silvergoldstackers MONSTER RAFFLE tickets on sale | We're giving 50 tickets away!

their discord serverHello SPIer's, It's a rare day today because the #silvergoldstackers community has unleashed MONSTER RAFFLE tickets for sale with the draw taking place in 2 weeks' time live on . I used to be a mod for the #silvergoldstacker community before I started SPinvest and helped host the previous 3 MONSTER RAFFLES so I can comfortably endorse this RAFFLE knowing that all the winners will receive their prizes. People who donate prizes ship worldwide for free to winners so no worries there.

Full details about the MONSTER RAFFLE can be found in the last 2 posts from the @ssg-community account

(Image from @ssg-community)

I am a silverstacker in my personal life and think that everyone should hold some form of precious metals. I understand that the idea of investing in silver/gold is boring to a crypto investor cause it pays no yield, is hard to buy/sell and when you stack enough it becomes a problem to store at home but with that said, ain't nobody ever hacking my silver stack, ill never lose it from a hard drive/USB crash and it will survive my house burning down with a melting point of 960c. The whole financial world is digital, manipulated and not something to keep 100% of your investments inside. When markets crash, people run to precious metals and when you own physical metals, you can add a 20-30% premium to the spot price.

I would like to convert a few SPI token holders into stackers and the best way to do that is to get some silver into your hands. When you have actual silver or gold in your hand, you understand why people love it. When you hold a 1ozer in your hand for the first time and you feel its weight, you get hooked. To give an idea, gold is 19 times heavier than water, imagine trying to pick up a 2 ltr bottle of Coke that weighed 38kg 🤯 or a pint of beer that weighed 11kg, baa-haha



I could write about silver for hours but to the point of this post. I have bought 50 MONSTER RAFFLE tickets for SPI and will be giving them away to SPI token holders to give some of you guys a chance to win a prize. We will get ticket numbers 41 to 90 and will give away 10 batches of 5 tickets. Each of these batches will be worth 20 HIVE each.

Let's keep it simple. If you own 10 or more SPI tokens,

  • drop a comment below with the text "I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets"
  • Next Saturday, I'll randomly pick 10 winners and make a post to announce to 10 people that have won 5 tickets.


Your ticket numbers will be uploaded on the day of the draw from the ssg-community account. SPI bought 50 tickets so we get a block of 50 consecutive numbers. If you want a mix, instead of buying 10 tickets in 1 time, buy 2 a day for 5 days and you'll get a mix of numbers. It makes no difference really.You can also buy tickets yourself, they only cost 4 HIVE each and all you do is send your HIVE to @ssg-community with the memo "Monster Raffle Tickets".

Here's some FREE silver porn to get your juices going


Hooo yeah, a few hundred sexy 1/2 oz Perth mint lunars still in their factory wraps along with 2 hand poured and loved ripple bars and 2 stacker bars.

Let's move on to the good stuff. We've got a little of everything below, standard bullion, sterling silver, boxed preumium coins, factory sealed and MS graded. Take your pick, it's all there.


Let's go harder and add more weight, add in a few bits of gold and let it all pile out. No idea how many oz's this is, all I know is, thats a fooking class-looking pile of silver. There's a STEEM round in there, can you find it?


Anyways folks, check out the MONSTER RAFFLE and you never know, you might even start your own stack. When I began stacking over 10 years ago, I used to take £30 a week from my pay and save it up for 10-12 weeks and do an order for 15-20 ozs at the time. Let me tell you, it soon adds up as you can see from above and those 3 pictures are only a percentage of my total stack. Little and often is the key to stacking.

Thanks for checking out today's post and good luck in next week's draw to people who comment below "I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets"


Token NameMain AccountLink to hive-engine
SPI token@spinvestSPI
LBI token@lbi-tokenLBI
Top XV token@spinvestXV
Eddie Earners@eddie-earnerEDS
EDS mini miners@eddie-earnerEDSM
EDS micro miners@eddie-earnerEDSMM
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Does she come with it?

Nah, i think she's a lesbian


How dare you assume its gender... 🤣

any hole is a goal 😟

"I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets"

Was waiting for you to show up 😁

As you said, "I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets". One can never have enough.

Damn right, i thinking how many for me and my personal account. I've won something in the past 4 so i would like it to be 5 in a row

I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets!

Damn, you must really want them to CAP out the comment 😄

I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets

I'll add you to the draw, looking like a 2 in 1 chance so far

“I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets”

Happy days, good to see you dropping a comment. Draw will be next week buddy

Fuckin’ A @spinvest!

Keep on truckin’

👆I learned from the best👆

You know how I do, I live to give!!

I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets

Cool, i add you to the draw my friend

I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets. Gimmie!

lol, Gimmie!! LOVE IT!!!!

Looks like you've a 2-1 chance so far

I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets

Great to see you commenting, i'll add you to the draw

"I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets"

Hello stranger, good to see you taking part.

I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets!

Thanks 🙏

Thanks for commenting and taking part, i'll add you into the draw for next week

Great post man. Thanks for getting behind the MR once again.

Silvergoldstackers gave me my start on STEEM and I'll never forget that. I support SGS until MR #1000

Amazing! Good luck to everyone participating


Im going to add you to the draw just for wishing everyone else luck

You a real one

I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets

I'll get to added to the draw for next week. Good luck my friend

shoutout to SPinvest and silverstacker. Always good things coming from the club... keep em comin'
"I want MONSTER RAFFLE Tickets"

Ohh, the best comment is the last comment of the post 😁

Bro, it's great to see you taking part. Even better to know your staying on top of SPI posts and what's happening.

Good luck, I hope you get lucky 😁

I want MONSTER RAFFLE tickets!