Food for thought…. Things

Afternoon everyone ….

So, we’ve hit the time of year where everyone is setting goals and making resolutions. I used to be really structured on setting goals for myself and tracking my progress, making adjustments as I felt necessary.

Now I’m not saying that I don’t have goals or aspirations to achieve certain things. But I have taken a different approach to this now that I’m farther along n my life. While I’m not old in my opinion, I’m not young and preparing myself for the future either.

My main goal is to get my shop up and functional. While having the building completed and done. Which was definitely the hard and extremely time consuming part. There are so many machines that I need to make this shop functional. Machines that I’ve done without for years because my shop was too small to handle them.

I’m sort of using the new shop, but there isn’t really anything inside it to really work inside it yet. Nearly nothing except my table saw is going into my new shop. All the other small machines are being given away. They won’t serve my needs in the new shop and will require new set ups in order to make them work in the new shop.

So my main goal is a functional shop….

Now as far as stacking goals….

I’m at the point where I feel pretty comfortable with what I currently have. Sure I’d like some more gold in my stack, but at these prices I’m not to sure that’s gonna happen. Sure I’ll buy stuff here and there as I see things that I like. But I no longer set weight goals like I used to.

I’d love to be able to add hopefully a Morgan or two to my graded set to get closer to completing it. That I’d prefer over buying for weight for sure.

As long as the market doesn’t totally collapse I’m fairly confident in what is in my 401K that I’ve been self funding for thirty years now.

I think that’s enough for this post as it’s a lot to digest. I’ll do another post hitting other areas as well. Maybe tomorrow….

Here’s a piece of some of my shiny for reading….




You received an upvote of 79% from Precious the Silver Mermaid!

Thank you for contributing more great content to the #SilverGoldStackers tag. You have created a Precious Gem!

My friend has had good luck at estate sales. He got a jointer and a planer that way. Best of luck to you!

Good luck filling up that shop with the machines that serve you better now..


I get it, @silverd510! It's all about feeling secure with what you've built. Gold prices can be a bit wild, making it tough to add more consistently. It's smart to pick things up as you come across them—no pressure or deadlines, just enjoyment. Goals can sometimes make the process feel like a chore, so it's refreshing to hear you're appreciating what you have and adding to it when it feels right.

Wow, hats off to you for getting the building completed! 🛠️ That must have been quite the journey. Getting all the necessary machines will definitely be a game-changer. It sounds like your new shop has so much potential, and once it's fully equipped, it'll be fantastic. It's always a challenge to upgrade your workspace, but think about how incredible it will be when everything is in place. Exciting times ahead for your shop's future! Good luck, @silverd510!


(Now as far as stacking goals….)
Your goals are different from mine, well it's normal that each individual decides what is a priority for themselves.
My main goal this year is to accumulate money, I will buy an apartment and put it up for rent, I like passive income more than gold and silver, but as I told you, each person decides and it is respectable.

very thoughtful post, concise and clear.
what matters is to have fun also doing what we do along the path of accumulation and biddings, God knows what the futur holds.