There's a chance Bitcoin "might" go to 10 Million of today's Fiat USD's...
But, if I had to choose "today" between Bitcoin for 100,000 of today's Fiat USD's "or" obtaining $100,000 in Common U.S. Coinage, I'm sure you know I'd pick the $100,000 in Common U.S. Coinage...
The 100 to 1 Exchange Rate from Fiat USD's into U.S. Coinage, means our Common U.S. Coinage will increase 100 Fold in Spending Power...
Multiply $100,000 in U.S. Coinage by a 100 Fold increase, and I'll have the Spending Power of 10 Million of today's Fiat USD's...
My question to you is, "Which" do you think has the "better chance" of reaching the Spending Power of "10 Million" of today's "Fiat USD's"...
Let me know in your reply...
Fiat USD's, will be "removed and replaced" with our U.S. Coinage at a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...
It's almost like I'm in the so called "loop" but I'm not...
I rarely ever listen to or watch the Main Stream News...
I listen to people who talk about Silver and Gold, to see what they have to say...
I always feel, I'm one or two steps ahead of all my favorite Financial Guru's...
I keep wondering what they'd think about what I've been writing...
By the way, I'm here, working on my first cup of coffee of the day...
This doesn't mean I won't come back later on and try to correct all my typos...
I also tend to add things before posting...
My days usually start out before the Sun Rises...
The Sun comes up in the East, and sets in the West...
I'm sure that last sentence got a rise out of
Who thinks I should write about something other than the U.S. Monetary Correction...???
I'm open to suggestions, so feel free to reply...
I really have nothing new to write about, and I never know if something new might pop into my head...
This is why I like questions...
So, I'm forced to "repeat" the same "old" words, over and over again...
People have a hard time believing that "our" Common U.S. Coinage will "out perform" Silver, Gold and all the Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin...
I sure believe it, since I became my own best student on my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Correction, Exchange Rate, and Redemption Period...
Yes, I even came up with the Melt Values of Silver and Gold...
I was forced to unscramble the Existing Monetary System, in order to come up with a New and Stable Monetary System...
The weights and face values of our Coinage was "out of wack" which made it hard to put two and two together...
It's as if "they" were trying to keep "We the People" confused...
It was drummed into our heads that our Common U.S. Coinage was inferior to "their" Fiat Digital and Paper "Rental USD's"...
We the People were duped into paying "Rental Fees" for the use of Fiat USD's...
Their "Fiat Paper" has already lost 99% of their Spending Power...
That leaves the Fiat USD's with "less" than One Percent Spending Power...
And people wonder how I came up with the 100 to 1 Exchange Rate...
When we last had "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins, we were only using Pennies and Nickels to "make change"...
This time around, we will have Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, Half Dollars and One Dollar Coins to "make change" for out New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...
Did I just write "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...???
That's right Folks, and their Face Values will range from $2 to $100...
The $1 Silver and $10 Gold Coins will only be issued as "Collector Coinage"...
The 1/10 ounce Coins are just "too small" with "too much" Spending Power, plus we'll have our $1 Clad Coins and our $10 Silver Coins...
I wish I had a picture of what our New $10 Silver Coins "might" look like...
The Front of our TEN DOLLAR Silver Coins "may" look like this...
If my version of what's to come happens, the $10 Coins will contain 1 ounce of Silver, and have the Spending Power of 1,000 of today's Fiat USD's...
No, it won't be easy to save up for a $10 Silver Coin...
That is, unless you're stocking up on $10 Rolls of U.S. Quarter Dollars now...
Our $100 Gold Coins will even be harder to save up for...
A $100 Gold Coin will have the Spending Power of 10,000 of today's Fiat USD's...
Wouldn't it have been nice (to know) to bring $100 in Common U.S. Coins to the other side of the U.S. Monetary Correction...???
Most of you know I have a Wild imagination, so you're going to have to make up your own minds, if anything I write makes sense...
I believe our Common U.S. Coinage will need to increase 100 Fold in Spending Power, in order to "make change" for our New "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...
Let me know if you think I'm onto something Biblical...
I've been hearing "Biblical" mentioned a lot lately...
So where is the best place someone can take Silver or Gold advice?
Or from who?
He's not aware of what I've been writing, but I like listening to Andy...
You can talk about your game in billiards with your friends
They don't believe me And it is easy for me to see why... I seem to be the only one who believes Common U.S. Coinage will do better than Bitcoin...??? So, which one do you believe has the best chance of reaching a Value of 10 Million Fiat USD's...???
Biggest transfer of wealth... to coin collectors! !BBH
I tend to think so... It can be Coin Collectors or people who dump their change in a tin can...
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