Cheeseburger Alert! (…oh yeah, and some metals)

Hi friends!

Check out this bad boy:


They call this one the “1212 Brunch Burger.” Presumably the address of Havana on Commercial Drive, right here in good ol’ Vancouver, Canada — which makes sense to my pizza delivery gps.

Hmmm, let’s see…


Yep! The pin marks the burger joint, the blue dot is me right now — having a morning coffee at JJ Bean



And the 2 orange circles mark the spots where I have interest in 2 Bitcoin ATMs. And let me tell you, business is booming! “Bitcoiniacs” the company/network I am an affiliate of, placed the very first Bitcoin ATM on the planet! Again, it was right here in Good ol’ Vancouver, in a Waves coffee shop, Downtown at 900 Howe St. I think there are something like 30 or 40 thousand worldwide now, but Bitcoiniacs was first.

Anyway, my point of mentioning all of this — besides maybe bragging a little bit 😲😳😜 — is to share some of my observations, which can be summarized as thus: acquire some bitcoin (and other good cryptos) as quickly as you can and learn how to secure it, and learn how to spend it. Though there is still all kinds of FUD (fear, uncertainty & doubt) being promulgated by the media and gov’t (more and more the same thing), the truth is that crypto currency, but more specifically: Blockchain Technology is here to fucking stay!
The rewards for early action in this space have been literally off the charts compared to legacy finance, and they will continue to massively outperform the crumbling infrastructure of our current debt-backed monetary system. Bitcoin sets you free. It levels the plying field. It ubiquitously enables ANY SINGLE PERSON on the planet (who has a smart phone and data) to participate in the same economy. Talk about: ALL LIVES MATTER! Regardless of your race, religion, colour or creed, and no matter your location, bitcoin sez: honey badger don’t give a shit. Talk about equality!

So, if you wanna’ win, do this:

  1. Download Atomic Wallet. Note: make sure you type in proper URL or use a link. If you pick the wrong Google entry you can be hacked. Here is a safe link (it is my personal referral link)

Or, the correct URL is:

  1. Never take a picture of the following, but instead, use pen and paper to write down the following as you set up your new crypto wallet:

A) a (local) password for your on your specific device. Something easy to remember but hard to guess — you’ll be using it frequently. Something like:
Take note of (and use) capital letters and grammar marks. Write that shit down — LEGIBLY!

B) you will see 12 words highlighted in blue. This is your main security and recovery phrase. In case you lose your phone or whatnot. It is a phrase, which means the words are in order. Write that shit down!

C) hide your 12 words away in your buddy hole, and now start using your wallet! Push every button, figure out how it works, and watch a tutorial on YouTube about how to use Atomic Wallet. Or, ask me anything!

  1. Get rid of some of your toilet paper (fiat) and buy and hold some magic!

I will be posting more about crypto going fwd, but I am happy to answer (within reason) any questions I can about how to use this gorgeous technology.

Okay, okay, so we’ve done the Cheeseburger, we’ve done the cryptos, and now for (almost) the metal!



And now? The eagles have landed! (Among other shiny bits and bobs). I will be going over to my PObox later today, so it might be a 2 poster day for me, or I may just wait and drop the hammer tomo.A few days back I was talking with our buddy, and resident numismatic expert — good ol’ @silverd510 — and he turned me onto some wicked shit I had to have — and this was in the midst of already placing an order for some other shit I had to have! Anyway it was a good thing I had some LTC (litecoin) ‘cause I was able to place an order (cheaper than with a CC), and I was able to do it from my couch in my underwear!

My spidey senses are tingling, and the raunchy old pirate in me is looking up your skirt! Stay tuned frens! And don’t get left in the lurch!!!
Keep stackin’ the metals, but get some exposure to the crypto market — you’ll be glad you did!

⏰🧨⏰🧨⏰🧨⏰🧨⏰Cheers! from @thedamus


@steem-ua here aswell, u voted for stolen content.