I am under the impression that some of us, love silver, but don't have enough to make silver posts frequently as we are young stakkers and as such, don't use the tag as often as others. I am also assuming that the vote will still go to the subscribers that don't post about silver every day as they are still members and for me, I post random shit. I like the accrual idea, as I typically average 5 posts a week. If I am understanding this all correctly then my vote is yes. Great idea.
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Hey, I've posted about a silver coin I didn't have or own. Some Medieval coins are on my wish list and haven't been scratched off it yet. So I was creative.
The ability to "build up" a vote by not posting as frequent is true but only precious metals posts, using the hash tag #silvergoldstackers would get an upvote.
@welshstacker please: Does the vote follow the user or the tag?
If you're a member of the #silvergoldstackers community, and you post about precious metals, and you use the tag #silvergoldstackers, then the bot will upvote your post.
If you're NOT a member of the community, the bot will not upvote you regardless of what tag or post you use.
In essence, only members posts, using the correct tag, which is actually about PMs will get an upvote.
@welshstacker... you are saying that it is the combination of the tag used and the member-username and the content. How is it now that the bot votes on articles with only photos?
At the moment we use "hive.vote" to upvote members added to a whitelist. This is hives own voting service and is relatively limited to what I can do with it. I can add a user name, I can add upvote %, and I can add upvote every 24hrs.
By havi g @buggedout help me out, by running it on a separate server, we can add our own unique coding which will allow the bot to be more specific.
So if the community agree to the proposed changes, then we can pretty much do anything with the bots voting ability - word count minimum, specific tag requirements, etc.....
I have discussed this with you, and made it public in my recent comments. Remember that I do not know how the program works.
RATHER UPVOTE the articles using THIS ONE: https://hive.blog/trending/hive-136819.NOT THIS: https://hive.blog/trending/silvergoldstackers.
#silvergoldstackers, the bot should upvote on the articles posted from ourLIKE THIS:
(a) Article about Precious Metals: Go to COMMUNITIES > SILVER GOLD STACKERS > NEW POSTS
(b) Non-Precious Metals articles: Go to COMMUNITIES>The community that is best suited for your subject matter or general communities like GEMS or OCD> NEW POST
All other articles of members of this community that are NOT related to precious metals may use the #silvergoldstackers tag which is UNMODERATED BY THE ssg-community BOT. In the unmoderated #silvergoldstackers tag feed is where we will find all articles of whatever subject matter so we can get to know each other better, support each other, BECAUSE WE ARE A FAMILY, without having to worry about being downvoted by the bot. SGS-COMMUNITY, will not be voting on these articles. If one writes about precious metals, he/she should use the then you may use any tag you please including #silvergoldstackers. then you may use any tag you please including #silvergoldstackers.
English is my primary language. But I was raised in Hawaii. I don't know if you are understanding me, or NO ONE IS LISTENING TO ME.
WE ARE A COMMUNITY. Most of us are here not for the ROI. We need a place where we can share our non-metals articles with our stacker friends, and #silvergoldstackers tag is perfect for that.
I get confused when you talk about moderated and unmoderated. At the moment neither the hive community nor the tags are actively moderated. It is probably possible with the community page. However, I only access hive from my phone so suspect I am not seeing the full range of actions available when it comes to moderation on our hive community page.
I also think this statement is incorrect.
I am pretty sure I could use the front end to post about whatever... just that it would be inappropriate to do so.
The deal with the tags (that began on steem) was that:
#steemsilvergold now #silvergoldstackers was for PM posts
#ssglife now #sgslife was to keep together other community posts.
Not everyone was on board with these tags but they were suggested.
All that being said... I do get what you are asking for in the last paragraph but this would also need tweaking. Reason being non-members can post from the hive community and non-delegators can also post from the hive-community. So you can’t just point the bot at the hive community and call it good. There would need to be the parameter of delegating member added to this. I have zero idea if that is possible.
You come across perfectly @silversaver888. Using the SGS front end does make the most sense when posti g about precious metals, but you and I both know that (at the moment) people use the leofinance frontend because they not only get a juicy upvote from @ssg-community, but there is a good chance that @leofinance account will also drop an upvote. Its basically asking members to forfeit the upvote from leo to get a sgs upvote.