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RE: Why won’t the silver and gold price move higher????

in #silver8 years ago

Your analysis is quite correct and it is a shame for "civilization" or the notable lack of it. By turning off the "Alarm Bells" of market based prices, a wholly artificial economy becomes the reality and the conditioned experience of everyone on the planet.

They have the nerve to institute for-profit prison systems and "carbon-credit markets" out of whole cloth, totally false, invented, phony, contrived made up. There is absolutely no natural market for these things. World-Wide Physical, Mental and Spiritual poverty, Bondage, Slavery, Feudalism is what it means when good people and "The Gods" are under the power of "The Demons."

Wake up Arise!


This mess isn't going to be pretty when it blows up my friend, all we can do is stay out of the way, and try and help those who want it. Cheers