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RE: @onnovocks - your flags are now being opposed!

in #sillyretard6 years ago

Why is it I can never understand wtf you morons are trying to say? The half dozen of you retards really need to get together and spend some time getting an education.

Crawl back in your moms cave little boy, you're not tall enough to ride this ride.


you cant understand cause your retarded lol

Huh? What? Nobody understands what you're trying to say. Go back to school. Get an education.

I don't need to waste time with you. You've basically trolled yourself just by commenting and letting everyone see what a halfwit you are.

so why do you waste your time then cause your a jerkoff

Huh? What? Nobody understands what you're trying to say. Go back to school. Get an education.

How is writing a post and rewarding myself a waste?

Goddamn you're oblivious.

cmon beanie boy negative 17 like mr larimer got ya
im still waiting jerkoff

Huh? What? Nobody understands what you're trying to say. Go back to school. Get an education.